Keterangan :
Automatic line with program control by means of PC, picking up of required variables, single-row line concept, return line placement in the hall according to drawing. The line offer consist of a technology equipment of the tub line, tub equip-ment according to the process, transport equipment (manipulators), platform for the line operating staff, exhaust air-conditioning, incomming air-conditioning, wiring including a subsidiary switchbard, DC installation incl. rectifiers, pipe distribution for media, automatic control system. Line drains and disposal stations have to be solved in coordination with rain water drains.
Good measures 1000x2000x400 mm
Average tub charge 5 m3
Manipulators loading 400 kg
Inner measures of operating tubs
length 2250 mm
width/ warmed and electrolytic operations 600/800 mm
height 1350/1400 mm