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Jl raya Hos Cokroaminoto no 22 Blok C8
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Sanken Inverter SHF/ SPF

The SAMCO-vm05 Series of general-purpose inverters boasts revolutionary performance born from Sanken' s superlative technological capabilities.

To meet diversified needs, the SAMCO-vm05 Series offers a powerful array of features, including dual-rated specifications selectable to best suit the intended application, the industry' s first software customization function, and control algorithms provided as standard.

Dual-rated specifications for cost reduction
Two types of rated specifications - H characteristic and P characteristic can be selected according to the load status, for a wider range of standard applicable motors and substantial cost reduction ( 200 V type STB Series) .
Industry' s first software customize function
Dedicated functions can be created by adding various types of software, according to the customer' s requirements. Users can also perform program changes and upgrades following purchase.
Control algorithms for various types of applications provided as standard
Control algorithms for diverse applications, such as winding control, multiple pump drive control and fixed-time inching, are provided as standard. This can be used as a dedicated inverter to meet diversified system needs.
Operability and communication functions developed with ease of use
The RS-232C interface, allowing direct connection to personal computers, and the RS-485 interface, effective in operation management in a system, are provided as standard.
Expandability with PG feedback
Vector control operation is realized through a PG feedback board ( option) .

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