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    Sunnyboyâ„¢ solar water heater

    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    1. Offer the high quality goods with the competitive price.
    2. Simple structure, easy plug-in installation, can be installed both on flat and inclined roof, and can be used with an auxiliary electric booster as to provide tot water without sunshine.
    3. Suitable for residences.
    4. Stable and reliable performance, well wind resistance.
    5. Healthy bath standard: The material of inner tank is stainless steel plate
    6. Volume water capacity available for 200, 300, 500 liter
    7. Used needs of the household, boarding houses, dormitories, lodging, hospitals, hotels restaurants, spa & beauty, industry, swimming pool, salon, residential real estate developers.
    8. Excellent service, what ever after sale or before sale.
    9. Professional technical & sales support with a professional solution for the installation
    10. The warranty is 5 years for the tank

    Advantages of solar water heater systems:
    * Thermostatic solar water heater systems can operated completely automatic if connect with intelligent controller.
    * Simple structure, easy plug-in installation, can be installed both on flat and inclined roof, and can be used with an auxiliary electric booster as to provide tot water without sunshine.
    * Superior heat preservation ensured by one-off molding polyurethane foam
    * Suitable for residences.
    * Stable and reliable performance, well wind resistance.
    * Healthy bath standard: The material of inner tank is stainless steel plate; the silica gel ring sealing has a long life against the erosion and it’ s not harmful to health.

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