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Sentra Kaos Kaki
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Ibu Tri Retno [Pemilik/Pengusaha]

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Surabaya, Jawa Timur

Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai
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Sentra Kaos Kaki is the center of a manufacturer and distributor of wholesale socks Indonesia. Since 2008 we have been serving orders from various parts of Indonesia, Asia and Europe such as Singapore, Malaysia, Hongkong, UK.

Serving making school logo socks and institutions, socks order form ( no label) and labeled with various kinds began to baby socks, kaoskaki child, teen socks, ladies socks, socks Muslim, male socks, kaoskaki office, t-shirts foot sports such as badminton, football, voly, kaoskaki aerobic, army socks etc.

Various brands of sock manufacturers bandung, jakarta, and others such as Soka socks, kaoskaki Mundo, Al Amin, Kaoskaki Amani, socks Arabina, Ijtihad wa Taqwa, Husna socks, socks KaniK, etc..

The model that we provide also vary from the standard model socks, socks thumb ( 2 fingers) , five fingers socks, washing socks, stockings.

Complementary fashion, such as cufflinks or deker, gloves are also available wholesale.
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