Epoxy Mortar is a mix between mortar and epoxy as a replacement for cement and water. Epoxy Mortar consist of 3 component i.e. 2 liquid (epoxy + hardener) and 1 powder (silica sand) to be mixed evenly and pour to the hole. After drying, Epoxy Mortar will become a mortar that is strong enough to endure the vibration from the machinneries or other burden on top of the surface, both static and dynamics. Epoxy Mortar is generally used to fill the hole or gap on machinneries anchor, pipe hole, concrete structure, and the characteristic is waterproof.
Name of Material : SCG 50 - EPOXY MORTAR
Base Material : Liquid : Epoxy + Hardener
Powder : Silica Sand
Color : Natural
Benefit : Good bonding agent, resistant against
chemical, high elasticity and able to endure
vibration and movement from the area it bonded.
Usage : Bonding agent and filler on the pipe hole, machinery
anchor , concrete structure, etc.
Weight Content /Mass : 1.77 ton / m3 or 1770 kg/m3
Pouring time maximum : approximately 20 minutes at 30° C
Consumption per-m2 : for thickness of 10 mm is 18.35 kg/set epoxy mortar