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Perusahaan kami menjual berbagai aneka produk bahan Kedap Air ( waterproofing) yang dapat dipergunakan untuk : - Mengatasi kebocoran pada dak beton. - Melindungi dan melapisi permukaan beton dari cuaca dan hujan. - Membantu menyelesaikan masalah bocor pada bangunan, seperti : masalah kebocoran pada kamar mandi, bak air, kolam renang, dinding bismen, dak atap, taman atap, bak penampung air dan lain lainnya. Adapun jenis bahan waterproofing tersebut meliputi : PVC WATERSTOP, LEMBARAN WATERPROOFING, SWELLABLE WATERSTOP, SELF ADHESIVE MEMBRANE, WATERPROOFING COATING, BONDING AGENT, EPOXY COATING, SELF LEVELLING, EPOXY MORTAR, ALAT PENYAMBUNG PVC WATERSTOP, ALAT BAKAT MEMBRANE, POLYURETHANE SEALANT, PROTECTIVE COATING, POLYURETHANE AND EPOXY INJECTION, GROUTING NON SHRINK, FLOOR HARDENER, EPOXY FLOORING, PERBAIKAN BETON, PERBAIKAN SAMBUNGAN DELETASI & SAMBUNGAN STOP COR BETON. Dalam pembangunan gedung, bahan kedap air ( waterproofing) merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang sangat penting. Waterproofing berfungsi sebagai pelapis struktur beton untuk melindungi bangunan dari kebocoran yang dapat disebabkan oleh tekanan hidrostatik air, pengaruh cuaca, pergerakan alami air pada permukaan beton, di sambungan beton ke beton, dan di antara beton dengan material lain. Hampir setiap aspek pembangunan diperlukan bahan kedap air, misalnya : bangunan hotel, rumah susun, rumah tinggal dan bangunan-bangunan yang khususnya terbuat dari beton. Pemilihan bahan waterproofing yang sesuai dan metode kerja yang tepat adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan. Kesalahan dalam pemilihan bahan waterproofing akan menimbulkan masalah kebocoran yang beragam. Biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk perbaikan tersebut dapat mencapai lebih dari 300% dari biaya pemasangan pada awalnya. Kerugian yang diakibatkan dari kerusakan peralatan dan perlengkapan didalam bangunan bisa mencapai jumlah yang signifikan. Juga harus diperhatikan waktu yang hilang untuk melakukan perbaikan bangunan. Maksud & Tujuan Menimbang pentingnya waterproofing dalam suatu pembangunan, PT. SELARASCIPTA GLOBAL, telah memfokuskan diri untuk menjadi specialist dibidang waterproofing. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi dan inovasi dalam membantu klien kami untuk menanggulangi dan menangani masalah kebocoran. Selain memproduksi beberapa bahan waterproofing dan menjadi Suplier waterproofing, PT SELARAS CIPTA GLOBAL juga bertindak sebagai importir. Specialist kami selalu siap memberikan pengarahan dalam pemilihan bahan waterproofing yang sesuai dengan kasus struktur yang dihadapi dan teknis aplikasinya. Perusahaan kami siap membantu anda dalam menanggulangi masalah kebocoran gedung mulai dari pemilihan bahan waterproofing sampai dengan aplikasi dan/ atau jasa pengawasan pemasangannya. Pelaksanaan perkerjaan tersebut didukung oleh tenaga-tenaga specialist kami yang profesional dan berpengalaman di gedung-gedung pemerintah maupun swasta. Produk / Jasa Utama Menjual : ANEKA WATERSTOP, PVC WATERSTOP, WATERSTOPS Used : For construction Joints & Expansion Joints of concrete. Color : Grey or light blue Typically used for : Floor joints, wall to floor joints, building to floor joints, changes in direction, etc Outstanding physical properties, excellent inherent elasticity and resistance to many waterborne chemicals has made it the most widely specified waterstop material & needed The versatility of PVC has made these waterstops popular with specifiers and engineers. PVC waterstops are available in several styles and sizes. Choosing the correct waterstop begins with determining whether the joint is moving or non-moving. Typical Applications For PVC Waterstops Include: Water and waste water treatment facilities Dams, lock, canals, water reservoirs and aqueducts Tunnels and culverts Foundations Primary and secondary containment structures WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE SCG 300 SCG 300 WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE Picture INTRODUCTION SCG 300 is an uniquely formulated prefabricated waterproofing membrane with a special multilayer-ed design for superior pliability, tensile strength, work ability and resistance to elements. The multilayer-ed design consists of a polyester core coated on both sides with modified bitumen. The polyester core gives the membrane high tensile strength. Properly installed, SCG 300 forms an impervious, permanently flexible waterproof blanket which accepts normal structural movement without breaking or cracking. USES SCG 300 membranes are ideal for a wide range of waterproofing applications, including reservoirs, basements, tunnels, roof and car parks. SCG 300 may be utilized in exposed and covered applications. We have several types of membrane waterproofing as follow: 1. SELF ADHESIVE MEMBRANE : Roll size : 20 m x 1 m , thickness : 1.6 mm. 2. TORCH ON MEMBRANE WITH GRANULE/ MINERAL : Roll size : 10 m x 1 m, thickness : 4 mm. WATERPROOFING COATING SCG 100 SCG 100 - WATERPROOFING COATING SYSTEM Picture Product Description SCG 100 waterproofing is an ecologically harmless water thinnable. One pack, watery, solvent free coating material based on acrylic polymer. Application : SCG 100 - ACRYLIC POLYMER WATERPROOFING Concrete, asbestos cement, masonry per - m2 : - 1 x SCG 100 Thinned with 10-20 % water approx 0, 3 kg/ m2. - 2-3 x SCG 100 un-thinned approx 0, 6 - 1 kg/ m2. Aluminium, copper, PVC per - m2 : - 2 - 3 x SCG 100 un-thinned approx 0, 5 kg/ m2 Consumption : 1 kg / m2 ( 3 x coats ) , thickness : 0, 8 - 1 mm For use in Bath Room, Balcony, Roof Deck, Wall. 1, 50 kg / m2 ( 5 x coats ) , thickness : 1, 2 - 1, 4 mm Used : For use in Swimming Pool, Water Tank, Ground Tank. Especially for concrete roof, toilet, balcony, swimming pool, water tank waterproofing. It can be use on asbestos , aluminium , wood , copper, PVC and masonry surfaces. Colour : Grey, light blue, green, red, white, etc. WATERPROOFING COATING SCG 200 SCG 200 - FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING Picture SCG 200 - FLEXIBLE CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOFING Product Description SCG 200 is a two component acrylic polymer modified cementitious coating which is supplied in easy to use kits. By varying the mix proportions, SCG 200 can be applied simply by stiff brush, roller and trowel to obtain the desired texture. SCG 200 consists of specially selected cements, graded card wearing aggregates and additives supplied in powder form together with a liquid component of blended acrylic copolymers and wetting agents. The acrylic polymer provides SCG 200 with exceptional adhesion, resiliency flexibility, toughness and durability. In normal use it will resist water pressure up to 7 meter head. The degree of resistance of SCG 200 to water under pressure depends on the coating thickness. Used : SCG 200 is designed to re-face and even out variations in concrete and masonry surfaces. It effectively protects against concrete decay by providing along lasting barrier to water borne corrosive salts and atmospheric gases. It provides a seamless flexible waterproof coating suitable for use in water tanks, balcony, wet kitchen, reservoir , concrete roof, retaining wall and toilets. EPOXY MORTAR SCG 50 SCG 50 EPOXY MORTAR Picture Epoxy Mortar is a mix between mortar and epoxy as a replacement for cement and water. Epoxy Mortar consist of 3 component i.e. 2 liquid ( epoxy + hardener) and 1 powder ( silica sand) to be mixed evenly and pour to the hole. After drying, Epoxy Mortar will become a mortar that is strong enough to endure the vibration from the machinneries or other burden on top of the surface, both static and dynamics. Epoxy Mortar is generally used to fill the hole or gap on machinneries anchor, pipe hole, concrete structure, and the characteristic is waterproof. MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Name of Material : SCG 50 - EPOXY MORTAR Base Material : Liquid : Epoxy + Hardener Powder : Silica Sand Color : Natural Benefit : Good bonding agent, resistant against chemical, high elasticity and able to endure vibration and movement from the area it bonded. Usage : Bonding agent and filler on the pipe hole, machinery anchor , concrete structure, etc. Weight Content / Mass : 1.77 ton / m3 or 1770 kg/ m3 Pouring time maximum : approximately 20 minutes at 30Â ° C Consumption per-m2 : for thickness of 10 mm is 18.35 kg/ set epoxy mortar FLOOR HARDENER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SCG 500 consists of special hard wearing aggregates selected for their physical properties of abrasion and wear resistance, cement andspecial additive to improve workability. This combination produces a material which is easy to trowel in the surface of fresh, wet concrete. USED SCG 500 provides a highly abrasion resistant surface to fresh concrete floors by the dry shake method which ensures that the hard wearing surface bonds monolithically to the base concrete. It is ideally suited for all industrial areas subjected to heavy traffic, e.g Power stations, heavy buildings, distillation plants, abattoirs, laboratories, warehouse floors, loading bays, and work shop. CONSUMPTION The average consumption is 3 to 7 kg of SCG 500 powder per-m2, the thickness of the surface is about 2 - 3 mm. TECHNICAL DATA Color : Natural, grey, green, red, etc. Specific Gravity : 2, 45 kg/ litre Apparent Density : 1, 4 kg/ litre Moh' s Scale : 5 to 7 Packaging : 25 kg plastic bag. POLYURETHANE SEALANT Polyurethane sealant is a material containing a component material and packed in 600 ml sizes. Polyurethane sealant normally used to fill the joint at the precast concrete, masonry, concrete joints, etc. Polyurethane sealant, when dry, will form a strong kind of rubber and elastic and can withstand the bond connection is caused by engine vibrations or other loads. In concrete joints ( especially for construction joints) or sparing pipe which is directly affected by water/ rain, the polyurethane sealant can be used as waterproof coating to fill a gap/ hole of concrete. SWELLABLE WATERSTOP SWELLABLE WATERSTOP-RX 101 Waterstop RX 101 adalah bahan waterproofing yang digunakan untuk sambungan stop cor ( perhentian cor) dan berfungsi mencegah infiltration/ kebocoran pada sambungan tersebut dengan kandungan bahan sodium bentonit tinggi yang dapat mengembang/ ekspansi untuk menutup celah dan retakan pada beton. Website : | ||
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