Specifications Material : Flexible mild steel Locking Length : Strap Dimensions : Pull Strength : Marking Area : 14mm x 18mm Marking digits : 7 Carton Quantity : 5....
Specifications Material : Polypropylene Locking Length : Strap Dimensions : 3, 5mm Pull Strength : 10kg Marking Area : 15mm x 20mm Marking digits : 8 Carton Quantity : 1....
The Mini Padlock is especially popular in the airline industry & food catering. Its ease of use maker it time and cost effective. The plastic seal is very slim, which makes it....
Dimension : Available length = 21 mm ( 0, 38in) Width = 14 mm ( 0, 55in) Thickness 4 mm ( 0, 16in) Specifications Packed in 1.000 pieces per carton Available plain or....
Recommended Aplplications : Airline, Cargo, Trailers, Containers, Rail Freight, Refineries, Warehouses, Cash Bags, Postbags, Lockers. Material Body Polypropilene Overal....
Recommended Aplplications : Airline Cargo, Refineries, Vehicles, Rail Freight, Plantations, Fire doors, Lookers, Containers. Material Body Polypropilene Insert Acetyl ....
Recommended Aplplications : Airline In-flight, airline baggape, Refineries, Fuel and oiltangkers, Chemical drums, Automatic cash dspensers, Coin boxes, Cash bags, Geming....
segel meter PLN, segel meter air, Disertai kawat stenlestel tahan karat dan tahan aus, bisa digunakan langsung tanpa alat teretentu ( misal tang dll) . sangat praktis. Bisa....
Biasa dipakai pada : pengiriman via udara, cargo, truk, kontainer, kereta api, tangki pertamina, gudang, box uang, kantong pos, locker Bahan : Polyproplyene Tersedia : ....
sendok takar obat, sendok takar susu. dan aneka sendok lainnya
terbuat dr bahan plastik pilihan sehingga memiliki kekuatan penuh ( 40 kg ) cocok untuk kemasan2 yg berat dan tidak geser. Order diatas 100kg hrg nego, jika diperlukan sample bisa....
tutup galon dengan memakai identitas perusahaan, sesuai pesanan
BagLock is a cost effective, tamper evident multipurpose pull tight seal suitable for a wide range of applications, especially for providers of postal and courier services.....
Dibuat dari bahan plastik khusus Ukrn : 14mmx21mmx4mm Cocok digunanan pd Meter PLN, Meter Air, Meter Gas, Kotak koin, Tangki dan lainnya. Disertai ID/ logo perusahaan, Nomer....
Specifications Material : Polypropylene with Stainless Steel metal pin Locking Length : 340 mm/ 400mm Strap Dimensions : 1.9 x 6.0 mm Pull Strength : 50 kg Marking Area : ....
Specifications Material : Polypropylene Locking Length : Strap Dimensions : Pull Strength : Marking Area : 30mm x 5mm Marking digits : 10 Carton Quantity : 1.000 ....
Specifications Material : Polypropylene / nilon, whith stenless steel metal pin Locking Length : 180mm â € “ 4400mm Strap Dimensions : 2.5mm x 8.0mm Pull Strength : 60kg( PP) ....