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Phosphoric Acid[6 Sep. 2010, 22:11:16]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T)


Pure 75– 85% aqueous solutions ( the most common) are clear, colourless, odourless, non-volatile, rather viscous, syrupy liquids, but still pourable. Phosphoric acid is very commonly used as an aqueous solution of 85% phosphoric acid or H3PO4. Because it is a concentrated acid, an 85% solution can be corrosive, although nontoxic when diluted. Because of the high percentage of phosphoric acid in this reagent, at least some of the orthophosphoric acid is condensed into polyphosphoric acids in a temperature-dependent equilibrium, but, for the sake of labeling and simplicity, the 85% represents H3PO4 as if it were all orthophosphoric acid. Other percentages are possible too, even above 100% , where the phosphoric acids and water would be in an unspecified equilibrium, but the overall elemental mole content would be considered specified. When aqueous solutions of phosphoric acid and/ or phosphate are dilute, they are in or will reach an equilibrium after a while where practically all the phosphoric/ phosphate units are in the ortho- form.
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