Anggota Gratis
PT. RFID Indonesia
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Tibbo DS1206 Serial To IP Converter ( Programmable)
HargaRp. 1.750.000
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai, Western Union
Kemas & PengirimanBox
Negara AsalTaiwan
DS1206 is a miniature BASIC-programmable controller designed primarily for serial-over-IP and serial control applications. It comes preloaded with a fully functional serial-over-IP application.

3.5CH RS232: The unique feature of the DS1206 is its multi-channel serial port. The device has a single DB9M connector and is priced as a single-port device, yet packs four independent serial channels. Using this feature, it is possible to convert the DSR and DTR lines into the RX and TX of an additional serial channel. The same is true for CTS and RTS � these form one more channel. In total, there are 15 different configurations to choose from.

Built-in Web Server: User may configure and give command via web explorer such as IE, Firefox...etc without any additional PC software. Besides, people can fulfill remote control and update program and firmware through fix IP setting. That will save after service costs in terms of manpower, time and transportation costs ...etc.

Active RS232: DS1206 is software-controlled power output on pin 9 of the RS232 port, which enables users to power an attached serial device, such as a barcode reader, directly through the DS1206. Alternatively, the DS1206 itself can be powered through this pin. This feature will save the power adopter cost.

Open Source Code: All of this hardware goodness would mean nothing without a convenient programming environment � and this is where Tibbo products really shine! The DS1206 is programmed in Tibbo BASIC ( event-driven variety of traditional BASIC) . A single PC application � Tibbo IDE � is used for code editing and cross-debugging which doesn� t require any additional hardware ( such as an ICE machine) .
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