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    Public Relation & Event Management

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    Public relations describes the various methods a company uses to disseminate messages about its products, services, or overall image to its customers, employees, stockholders, suppliers, or other interested members of the community. The point of public relations is to make the public think favorably about the company and its offerings. Commonly used tools of public relations include news releases, press conferences, speaking engagements, and community service programs.

    Although advertising is closely related to public relations—as it too is concerned with promoting and gaining public acceptance for the company's products—the goal of advertising is generating sales, while the goal of public relations is generating good will. The effect of good public relations is to lessen the gap between how an organization sees itself and how others outside the organization perceive it.

    Public relations involves two-way communication between an organization and its public. It requires listening to the constituencies on which an organization depends as well as analyzing and understanding the attitudes and behaviors of those audiences. Only then can an organization undertake an effective public relations campaign.

    ACTIVITIES : Strategic planning & Consultation, Communication Audit & Media Relations (Chief Editors Meetings & Media Visits, Media Visits, Media Workshop & Gathering, Press Conference, feature articles & Special interview, Advertorial, Televisi & Radio talkshow, Media monitoring & Press clippings)


    Event management is the application of the management practice of project management to the creation and development of festivals and events.

    Event Management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the target audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the technical aspects before actually executing the modalities of the proposed event.

    The industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast meeting for ten business people. Every industry, charity, society and group will hold events of some type/size in order to market themselves, raise money or celebrate.

    ACTIVITIES :Roadshow, Grand & Soft Launching, Gathering, Exhibition, Forum & Conference (Local & International), Party, Show, Talk Show, Birthday & Anniversary, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tournament & Competition, Bazaar, Inauguration Ceremony, Stake Holder & National Committee Meeting, Family Recreation & Reunion, Workshop & Seminar, Special Event / Promotion Program, games, Education & Socialization Program.



    1. Mega Glodok Kemayoran, Ground Breaking Mega Glodok Kemayoran, 18 Januari 2003

    2. Walikota Jakarta Selatan, RCBB Stakeholder Meeting, Kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan

    3. Astra Honda Motor, Terima Kasih 10.000.000 – Astra Honda Motor, JCC, Jakarta

    4. GORO, HUT GORO, Jakarta

    5. ASEAN Foundation, Inauguration Ceremony of The Headquarters of ASEAN Foundation, Jakarta

    6. BRI, Bazar Semarak BRI April 2004, Wisma BRI II, 10 Februari 2005

    7. BRI, Soft Launching Master Card BRI, May 25, 2004

    8. BRI, Penarikan Undian Rejeki Nomplok Uang Segepok Britama di Bali dan Bandung Super Mall, Bandung (Juli '04 & Januari '05)

    9. BRI, Grand Launching Kartu Kredit - Plenary Hall JCC-Jakarta, 22 Februari 2006 & Grand Hyatt Jakarta

    10. BRI, Road show Launching Kartu Kredit 7 kota

    11. BHP Biliton, Perayaan penutupan pertambangan di Petangis Kalimantan Timur

    12. Krating Daeng, Romatic Event with Memes – Fashion Café, Jakarta 23 Maret 2002

    13. Starbucks coffee, WIFI Internet Launching – Wisma BNI 46, 27 Januari 2004

    14. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Movie Seminar & Workshop , 14-Des-05 s/d 7 Jan 2006, Univ. Mercubuana, Univ. Indonusa Esa Unggul, Univ. Islam Nasional, Univ. Bina Nusantara, Univ.Padjajaran

    15. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, 20-Des-05, Launching Film / Gala Premiere, Planet Hollywood, Jakarta

    16. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, 11-Des-05, Launching Novel, JCC, Jakarta

    17. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, 25-Des-05, Roadshow / Nonton Bareng, Ciwalk, Bandung

    18. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, 22-Jun-05, Kampanye Simpatik (Cinemags), Bunderan HI, Jakarta

    19. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, 07-Apr-05, Syukuran, Sierra Café, Bandung

    20. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, 25-Des-05, Konvoy, Bandung

    21. Islamic Fair 2008 7th Outbound

    22. Djarum Black Perty Event - Boomnastic

    23. ITC Cibinong – Annual Events Calendar

    24. Tugu Pratama Indonesia, 25 th. Aniversary

    25. PT. Kilang Minyak Intan Nusantara, Ground Breaking, Pare-pare, Mei 2008


    1. Tugu Pratama, Khitanan Massal / Corporate CSR Program – Wisma Tugu I, 8 Juli 2006

    2. Tugu Pratama, Buka Puasa Bersama / Corporate CSR Program – Wisma Tugu I, 6 Oktober 2006

    3. Program Sosial, Yatim Piatu, Yayasan Kelola


    1. Sanken, Press Gathering – Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta 18 Maret 2003

    2. Tugu Pratama, Media Workshop / Corporate PR Program – Wisma Tugu I, 15 Juli 2006

    3. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Press Gathering - Pra Shooting, 04-Mei-05, Tee-Box Cafe, Jakarta

    4. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Press Gathering – Shooting, 21-Jun-05 Tee-Box Cafe, Jakarta

    5. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Press Gathering - Pasca Shooting, Tee-Box Cafe, Jakarta

    6. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Press Conference , 20-Des-05, Planet Hollywood, Jakarta

    7. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Press Conference , 25-Des-05, Soho Music - Ciwalk, Bandung

    8. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, TV Talk Show life, Wow Semua Bisa (TV-7), Bincang Bintang(RCTI), Show Biz News (Metro TV), NOMAT (Trans TV), Ceriwis (Trans TV), Kiss (Indosiar)

    9. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, Radio Talk Show life, Life Interview (OZ Radio), Talkshow (i-Radio)

    10. KEJAR JAKARTA Movie, TV REVIEW, Cinema-cinema (TV-7), Show Biz On Location (Metro TV), Behind the Screen (Indosiar), Panasonic Movie (Trans TV)


    1. Marinir, Kejuaraan Nasional Arung Jeram II – Rajamandala, Cianjur 15 Juni 2002

    2. HSBC - Yamaha, Jakarta Piano Competition – Plenary Hall JCC, Jakarta 15 January 2002

    3. Krating Daeng, The Real Salsa Competition – Sabuga Bandung, Go Skate Surabaya, KTS jakarta, Juli 2002

    4. Bogor Fun Bike 2007, DoeaSatu Communication

    5. Abang & None Jakarta, STC Senayan – FINOSA Kreasindo

    6. LPJK (Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Kontruksi), Executive Golf Turnamen,

    7. Tugu Pratama, Golf Tournament / Customer Reward Program – Emeralda Golf, Cimanggis, 2 Desember 2006


    1. ICEF, International China & Energi Forum, Bali 2002

    2. LPJK (Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Kontruksi), The 11th Asia Contruct Conference

    3. LPJK (Lembaga Pengembangan Jasa Kontruksi), International Forum, Inter Continental Hotel, Bali September 2005

    4. Pertamina, Ascope ( Asean Council On PETROLEUM ), National Committee Meeting, August 2003 - Grand Hyatt Jakarta.

    5. Asean Secretariat, Asian Business Summit 2003 – Hilton, Nusa Dua Bali 5-7 Oktober 2003

    6. Pertamina Ventura, ASCOPE Committee Meeting ke 57 – Grand Hyatt, Jakarta 18-28 Agustus 2003

    7. BP Migas & Petrochina, Crude Oil Monitoring Lifting Entitlement (COMLE) – Sheraton Laguna, Nusa Dua Bali 20-21 Maret 2003

    8. Biotek BPPT, Seminar Nasional HKI / Perlindungan Inovasi Bio Teknologi – Gedung BPPT, 22 Agustus 2001

    9. Pameran Produk Pangan UKM Nusantara 2007, Departemen Perindustrian & Perdagangan

    10. Pawai Budaya Nusantara 2007, Dirjen Nilai Budaya,Seni & Film, Departemen Kebudayaan & Pariwisata

    11. METI (Masyarakat Energi Terbarukan), World Renewable Energy Conference 2007

    12. Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (DPP - KNPI), Kirab Wisata Pemuda Dunia

    13. Marlip, Promosi Karya Cipta ANak Bangsa

    14. Konser CInta Perdamaian, Panjaitan Bersaudara (Panbers)

    15. Children World Song Festival

    16. Festival Indonesia Raya - Proposal Usulan Kegiatan Sosialiasi Nasional

    17. Social Integration of people in the Borderlines - Proposal Usulan Kegiatan Sosialiasi Nasional

    18. Pesta Rakyat Indonesia, Pandawa 5 Invinity – Event Nasional di 49 Kota di Indonesia

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