General Description : - Brand � � La Motte - Coliform: 5 tubes, each containing a nutrient tablet, are reacted, stored at room temperature for 40-48 hours and examined for color change and gas....
Mitrakultiva Laboratorium Merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Perdagangan umum, Pabrikasi Mesin, Alat Laboratorium, merupakan Bagian dari Perusahaan Karya Mitra Usaha Group . Kami....
Spesification : - Overall height: 16 3/ 4 " - Chamber dimensions: 23.66Liters - Weight: 24 Lbs - Maximum pressure: 20psi - Maximum temperature: 259f General Description : - Brand : All....
Timbangan Teknis 300 x 0.01 gr Kemampuan baca: 0.01 g Ukuran Pan Dia: 110 mm Power: 220 VAC, 50/ 60 Hz Mitrakultiva Laboratorium Address : Ring Road Utara No. 134 Taman Yasmin VI, Bogor, ....
Total Dissolved Solid TSS Water Quality Testing: For analyzing water hard water, untreated water, industrial and rinse water, drinking water, effluent water, pool water and incoming process water.....
WiseTherm FP Programmable Digital Muffle Furnaces FP-03 FP-05 FP-12 FP-14 FP-27 FP-63 Specification ; � � Designed for Ash-determinations, Enameling, Fusions, Ignitions, and Performing....
Alat Ukur Kekuatan Geser Tanah, shearing tester Untuk engetahui kekuatan geser tanah. Range: sampai 10kg/ cm2 Divisions on dial are as small as 0.05 kg/ cm� � Visual interpretation to nearest 0....
Spesification : - Air convection: Natural - Chamber capacity : 56 L - Door type: solid / door with viewing window ( option) - Temperature range [ � � C] : 5� � C above ambient temperature...+ 250....
COLORIMETER DATALOGGER PORTABLE Features ; * Step by step instructions are programmed into the instrument and displayed on a large 4 line display * 60 pre-programmed tests including EPA 180.1....
Scepter� � � 2.0 Cell Counter � � � your portable cell counter. The first and only device to bring consistency in cell counting right to the culture hood: the Scepter� � � 2.0 cell counter. While other....
SMART� � Spectro Spectrophotometer 2000-EX2 Advanced Features : A wider wavelength range Menu-driven display Pre-programmed tests with 25 user tests Automatic wavelength selection Unique....
JUal alat Laboratorium A & D Engineering A& D Balances ABB ABC Vials ACCRA LAB Accu-Cal Accucal accuCap AccuFet Accuflame Acculab Accumet AccupHast acc uro Accutech accuTupH ....
Alat Uji Analisis Nitrat Kami Menjual : 1. Penentuan Bahan Organik Total ( Cara COD) - Labu Didih ( Boiling Flask) - Buret - Erlenmeyer - Pipet Volumetrik - Pipet Mohr - Kondensor -....
pH Testr 30 Waterproof pH Meter Eutech Waterproof - IP67 rated. Push button calibration up to 3 points Automatic temperature compensation Auto off & hold functions pH range -1.00 to 15....
Water Level SOLINST 102 Measure Water Level and Draw Down Solinst - Fisherlab Water Level Indicator Hp 0813 85 999 849 3/ 8 " dia. Brass Probe or 1/ 4 " Stainless Steel Probe Segmented weights....
ACURA DIGITAL MICROPIPETTE 825 - SOCOREX 825 0002 Acura Digital Micropipette vol. 0.1-2 ul 825 0010 Acura Digital Micropipette vol. 0.5-10 ul 825 0010Y Acura Digital Micropipette vol. 1-10 ul ....