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Tn. Ferry Irawan [Pemasaran]
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Y!: rajamodem 
Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Tn. Ferry Irawan di Tangerang
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Tn. Ferry Irawan di Tangerang
Nomor Faks:
Nomor faks Tn. Ferry Irawan di Tangerang
Komp. Vila Dago Blok J11 No.1 Pamulang - Tangerang
Tangerang 15416, Banten
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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Jual Modem jakarta l Modem Murah l Modem GSM l Harga Modem Murah l Modem Wavecom l Modem Serial l Modem Usb l Wavecom Modem l Modem GSM l GSM Modem l Wavecom Fastrack M1206B l Modem Gprs l Modem Bisnis l wavecom SMS Center l Sms Modem l wavecom wismo l mo
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Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Jumlahready qty
Kemas & PengirimanDus
Product Features
Dual-band GSM/ GPRS MODEM module
Implementation of the ETSI GSM Phase 2 + standarts
Category 4 ( 2W @ 900MHz)
Category 1 ( 1W @ 1800/ 1900MHz)
External 3V/ 5V SIM

The basic caracteristics of Call or emergency call
The highest rate of escalation and a half rate
DTMF Function
A5/ 1 & A5/ 5 encryption algorithm

Power Supply 3, 6V DC 1A
Communication in the average 300mA ( 0% DTX, Pmax)
3, 5 mA idle

Characteristics of the data
ATM and data lines simultaneously up to 14400 bits/ s
Automatic fax group3
Call and fax conversion
IrDA 1, 2A agreement

Short Message Service
The point to point MT & MO
SMS regional broadcasting
Call back information
Additional services
Call Forwarding
Call restrictions
Telephone directory
Fixed number to call
Call waiting or keep
Call line certification
SIM infrared data transfer
Echo cancellation
SIM Toolkit
SIM lock

A single antenna interface ( for 900/ 1800)
Detection of 3V/ 5V

Real-Time Clock
Design for handheld devices
I/ O interface
4 parallel interface
Parallel LCD interface
I2C bus
10 output lines for 5x5 keyboard
2 microphone input and headphone output
Buzzer output

Power interface
For data manipulation
RS232C serial line
Through the AT command control
Baud rate from 300 to 115200 bits/ s
Automatic rate from 2400 to 19200 bits/ s

Bergaransi 1 Tahun
Untuk Info
Hub: Ferry
HP: 021-26875803
Tlp: 021-70246316

Hub: Widi
Tlp: 021-74631127