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    We Supply AMETEK USA 5200 Solid State Relays 5200 Series INSTALLATION & SERVICE MANUAL PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION B/ W 5200 Solid State Controls are offered in two basic types for use in a wide range of low and high sensitivity applications. Both are designed

    We Supply AMETEK USA 5200 Solid State Relays 5200 Series INSTALLATION & SERVICE MANUAL PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION B/ W 5200 Solid State Controls are offered in two basic types for use in a wide range of low and high sensitivity applications. Both are designed

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    We Supply AMETEK USA:
    5200 Solid State Relays
    5200 Series
    B/ W 5200 Solid State Controls are offered in two basic types for use in a wide
    range of low and high sensitivity applications. Both are designed to operate
    on either 115 or 230 volts AC at 50/ 60 hertz. Both incorporate a low voltage
    sensing circuit. Both are also capable of performing control functions directly
    from electrodes suspended in a well or tank, the B/ W Unifl oat level sensing
    system, or various pilot devices such as pressure, fl ow and limit switches,
    thermostats and pushbuttons, etc.
    In addition, their operating characteristics are virtually unaffected by ambient
    temperatures ranging from -40° F to + 180° F, or by variations from 80% to
    110% of their rated voltage. Both controls are also furnished with a complete
    set of R1 fi xed sensitivity resistors or a variable resistance potentiometer
    to permit adjustment of operation based on the resistance of the liquid or
    material to be controlled. See tables below.
    5200-LF1 Low Sensitivity Control
    The basic components of this control are a transformer, a circuit board with
    voltage divider circuit, a silicon controlled rectifi er ( SCR) , and a load to provide
    isolated DPDT contacts. The sensing circuit voltage is 8.0 volts ac.
    5200-HF2 High Sensitivity Control
    This control is similar to the 5200-LF1, but with two basic differences: First, a
    rectifi er is used to convert the sensing circuit voltage from ac to 9.6 volts dc;
    second, a fi eld effect transistor ( FET) is added to provide higher sensitivity.
    This permits positive operation on liquids with very high resistance.
    Since the voltage divider circuit compares the liquid resistance to the R1
    sensitivity resistor on both 5200-LF1 and 5200-HF2 controls it is important that
    the R1 resistor selected be rated higher than the resistance of the liquid or
    other sensing circuit.
    Direct Operation
    In direct operation, the load relay is energized when the level sensing
    circuit is completed. When operating from electrodes for pump down
    operation, and liquid is below lower electrode, a high resistance is sensed
    across terminals 13 & 14, and a negative, or out-of-phase, signal is fed to the
    When liquid rises to touch the upper electrode, a low resistance is sensed
    across terminals 13 & 14, and the signal to the SCR becomes positive, or
    in-phase, turning the SCR on, which, in turn, energizes the load relay to start
    the pump.
    When load relay is energized, the holding circuit contact ( 4-7) closes to hold
    in the relay through the lower electrode and the liquid resistance until liquid
    level falls below the lower, or pump stop, electrode, at which time the SCR
    turns off and de-energizes the load relay to stop the pump.
    Inverse Operation
    In inverse operation, load relay is de-energized when the level sensing circuit
    is completed. In this mode of operation, function of load relay is reversed.
    When operating from electrodes for pump up operation, and liquid is below
    lower electrode, a positive, or in-phase, signal turns the SCR on, energizing
    the load relay to start the pump.
    When liquid rises to touch the upper electrode, a negative, or out-of-phase,
    signal turns the SCR off, de-energizing the load relay and stopping the pump.
    The holding circuit contact ( 1-7) closes, keeping the load relay de-energized
    until the liquid again falls below lower electrode.
    5200-HF2 High Sensitivity Control
    R1 Sensitivity
    Maximum Lead
    Wire Lengths*
    10, 000 ohms 50, 000 feet Ordinary water with medium to highmineral
    content, sewage, water soluble oil and starch
    solutions, long distance applications
    22, 000 ohms 50, 000 feet Water with low mineral content ( soft - not
    distilled or demineralized) , sugar syrup
    solutions, long distance applications.
    68, 000 ohms 50, 000 feet Steam condensate, corn syrup, strong alcohol
    solutions up to 50%
    330, 000 ohms 50, 000 feet Alcohol solutions up to 70%
    820, 000 ohms 35, 000 feet Deionized or distilled water, 95% glycerine, 90%
    hydrogen peroxide, 95% ethyl alcohol, granular
    solids with high moisture content
    2.2 megohms 12, 000 feet Glacial acetic acid, acetone, granular solids with
    some moisture content
    5.6 megohms 4, 000 feet M.E.K. ( Methyl ethyl ketone)
    12.0 megohms 2, 000 feet Anhydrous ammonia
    NOTE: DI water, glycols, alcohols and granular solids may require the 2.2, 5.6
    or 12.0 megohms R1 resistor depending upon their purity or moisture content.
    5200-LF1 Low Sensitivity Control
    R1 Sensitivity
    Maximum Lead
    Wire Lengths*
    270 ohms 15, 000 feet All metallic circuits, B/ W Controls Unifl oat
    470 ohms 15, 000 feet Strong electrolytes: Plating solutions.
    1, 000 ohms 15, 000 feet Weak eletrolytes: Ammonium hydroxide, borax,
    acetic acid
    1, 800 ohms 11, 000 feet Most food processing applications: Beer wine,
    fruit juices, milk buttermilk
    3, 900 ohms 5, 000 feet Highly corrosive acid or caustic solutions where
    electrode current must be minimized to extend
    electrode life: Hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid,
    10, 000 ohms 2, 000 feet Ordinary water with medium to high mineral
    content, sewage, water soluble oil and starch
    22, 000 ohms 900 feet Sugar syrup solutions, most water with low
    mineral content. ( Soft water-not distilled or
    deionized water. Use 5200-HF2 Control)
    * Distance shown in the tables above are based upon the use of
    two 18-gauge lead wires installed in 1/ 2â diameter conduit.
    Basic Specifi cations
    Dual Voltage Either 115 or 230 volts AC at 50/ 60 hertz
    Contacts Silver Cadmium Oxide
    Contact Ratings 10 amperes at 120 or 240 volts AC or 28 volts DC,
    1/ 4 hp at 120 volts AC. and 1/ 3 hp at 240 volts AC
    Arrangement Double pole, double throw load contacts plus single pole,
    doublethrow holding circuit contacts
    Power Required 9 volt-ampere, 6 watt
    Low Energy
    Sensing Circuit
    AC - 8 volts ( less than 30 milliamperes) for 5200-L,
    DC - 9.6 volts ( less than 1 milliampere) for 5200-H
    These instructions relate primarily to the B/ W electrode system of liquid level
    sensing. See B/ W Form Z66 for complete specifi cations, wiring and electrode
    equipment, etc.
    Shielded cable is not required. Generally the size of the wire used is passed
    upon the physical strength required to meet given installation condition. Size
    14 to 18 gauge wire is generally strong enough for private buried or overhead
    wiring, although size 26 gauge wire is adequate for positive relay operation.
    In some long distance applications, communication cable or telephone circuits
    may be used. In all cases, however, control circuit wires must have good
    insulation, and splices or connections must be watertight and insulated from
    Special Note - In order to prevent feed-back which can cause faulty
    operation, electrode lead wires should not be run in the same conduit
    with power or load carrying circuits.
    5200-LF1 Low Sensitivity Control
    These controls operate with 8 volts ac on the sensing circuit, and in general,
    the maximum lead length is determined by the capacitance of the lead wires
    and the value of the R1 sensitivity resistor. Refer to Table on page 1 for
    suggested maximum lead lengths.
    5200-HF2 High Sensitivity Controls
    These controls operate with 9.6 volts dc on the sensing circuit, and in general,
    the maximum lead length is determined by the resistance of the lead wires.
    These controls will operate reliably with electrode lead lengths of several
    miles, but it is important to select the correct R1 sensitivity resistor to assure
    positive operation over these extreme distances. Refer to Table on page 1
    for suggested maximum lead lengths. If your application involves greater
    distances than those shown, please contact factory.
    In all installations using electrodes, a good external ground connection and
    a dependable return circuit to the liquid are required. In most instances,
    grounding to a metal pipe leading to the tank is suitable, but electrical conduit
    should not be used for this purpose.
    If a good ground connection to the liquid is not available, an additional
    ground or common electrode is required. When used, the ground or common
    electrode should extend slightly below the longest operating electrode. In
    addition, it is also desirable to ground the control chassis directly to the ground
    terminal or through a mounting screw.
    If PVC well casings or drop pipes are used to contain the electrodes, a ground
    or common electrode is required.
    Both the high sensitivity and the low sensitivity controls are shipped from
    the factory with a complete set of fi xed resistors or with a variable resistance
    potentiometer. Variable resistance potentiometers are furnished in three
    different ranges according to the table which follows.
    To determine which fi xed sensitivity resistor to install, please refer to the
    table which follows. When operating from electrodes, select a resistor having
    a sensitivity value greater than the specifi c resistance of the material to be
    controlled. Any of the resistors can be used when operating from switch
    contacts, but the smallest value is recommended. Fixed resistance R1
    resistors should be installed as shown on the wiring diagram furnished with
    the control.
    A - Load Relay Will Not Pull In
    1. Power Failure or No Voltage at AC Line Terminals
    Voltage at power in-put terminals should be 115 volts ac between terminals 10
    & 11 or 230 volts ac between terminals 10 & 12.
    2. Defective Control
    To check control, disconnect electrode and load connections from control
    terminals. Apply line voltage to the appropriate terminals ( 10-11) or ( 10-12) ,
    and touch terminals 13 and 14 with an insulated jumper wire. Load relay
    should pull in when the jumper is connected, and drop out when the jumper is
    removed. Failure to do so indicates a defective control.
    3. Poor Ground Connection
    Controls will not function unless a good dependable ground connection is
    made to terminal 13. If a load relay does not pull in when liquid contacts
    the upper electrode, check ground connection to be sure it complies with
    installation instructions.
    4. Broken Wires
    A broken or loose wire from the control to the upper electrode or the ground
    ( common electrode) will prevent load relay from pulling in. Broken wires can
    be checked by shorting the upper electrode to ground, or to the common
    electrode if used, at the electrode holder. If relay fails to pull in, one or both of
    the electrode leads is open. The individual leads can be checked by running
    temporary wires from the control to the electrode holder outside of conduit.
    If the load relay now pulls in, when shorting electrodes as noted above, the
    break is between the control and electrode holder. If load relay pulls in when
    the leads are shorted with a jumper at holder, but not at electrode tips, the
    break is in the electrode suspension wire.
    B/ W Solid state controls are designed and built to require a minimum of
    service in the fi eld. Each one is tested at the factory to insure positive
    operation, and should not be altered or tampered with prior to installation.
    If a control does not operate properly after it has been installed with the
    proper sensitivity resistor added, the following information will be helpful in
    determining the probable cause.
    Direct Operation
    In direct operation, the load relay is energized when the liquid reaches the
    upper electrode or Unifl oat reed switch level, and electrode current is fl owing.
    Be sure sensitivity resistor has been installed between terminals 14 and 15,
    and a good ground connected to terminal 13.
    3% 2) % 3   
    2% , ! 9
    05-034! 243
    4! .+
    % , % # 42/ $ %
    ( / , $ % 2
    05-034/ 0 3
    ! # , INE
       6OR   6
      OR  ( Z
    4/ 05-0
    34! 24% 2
    , OAD
    6! 2) ! " , %
    2% 3) 34! .# %
    0/ 4% .4) / -% 4% 2
    / 04) / .! , ! 4
    % 842! # / 34
    Sensit ivity Ranges
    Relay Type R1 Resistor Direct Operation Inverse Operation
    5200-LF1 Fixed R1
    Up to 16, 000 ohms Up to 26, 000 ohms
    5200-LV1 Variable 100 to 700 ohms 200 to 1, 200 ohms
    5200-LV2 Variable 600 to 15, 000 ohms 1, 000 to 24, 000 ohms
    5200-HF2 Fixed R1
    Up to 11.6 megohms Up to 12.0 megohms
    5200-HV3 Variable 2, 000 to 100, 000 ohms 2, 000 to 100, 000 ohms
    5200-HV4 Variable .007 to 1.0 megohms .007 to 1.0 megohms
    5200-HV5 Variable .047 to 5.0 megohms .047 to 5.0 megohms
    Fixed Resistor Sensitivity
    5200-LF1 Sensitivity Control 5200-HF2 High Sensitivity Control
    Part Number Nominal Resistance Part Number Nominal Resistance
    04-154900 270 ohms 04-149400 10, 000 ohms
    04-155000 470 ohms 04-138400 22, 000 ohms
    04-138300 1, 000 ohms 04-138500 68, 000 ohms
    04-155100 1, 800 ohms 04-138600 330, 000 ohms
    04-155200 3, 900 ohms 04-138800 .007 to 1.0 megohms
    04-149400 10, 000 ohms 04-138900 820, 000 ohms
    04-138400 22, 000 ohms 04-139000 2.2 megohms
    04-139100 5.6 megohms
    3% 2) % 3   
    2% , ! 9
    05-034/ 03
    4! .+
    % , % # 42/ $ %
    ( / , $ % 2
    05-034! 24 3
    ! # , INE
       6OR   6
      OR  ( Z
    4/ 05-0
    34! 24% 2
    , OAD
    6! 2) ! " , %
    2% 3) 34! .# %
    0/ 4% .4) / -% 4% 2
    / 04) / .! , ! 4
    % 842! # / 34
    5. Sensitivity Resistor Too Low
    If the sensitivity resistor value is too low for the resistance or conductivity of the liquid
    to be controlled, the load relay will not pull in, or it will buzz and chatter before pulling
    in. In either case, the sensitivity resistor should be replaced with a higher value
    resistor ( see table, page 2) . If in doubt about R1 resistor selection, furnish factory
    with details on liquid, or send sample of liquid for testing.
    6. Fouled Electrodes
    Accumulation of dirt, oil, grease, or other deposits on the electrodes may insulate
    them and prevent load relay from pulling in. If this occurs, the electrodes should be
    inspected and cleaned at regular intervals, as required, to eliminate the diffi culty.
    If unusual quantities of oil, grease or sludge are encountered, the electrodes can
    be mounted inside a pipe that is fl ushed with clean water. A 4â pipe should be used
    -- with the bottom located below the lowest expected water level, and vent holes
    provided at the top so that the level inside and outside the pipe will be the same. A
    small fl ow of water entering the top of the pipe will cause an outward fl ow of water
    from the bottom of the pipe and prevent undesirable material from entering. Thus,
    the electrodes have a clear surface on which to operate, and will stay clean.
    7. Electrodes Too Short
    It is possible for an installation to be completed in which the upper electrode is
    suspended at a point where the liquid cannot make contact. All installations should,
    of course, be checked to make sure that the proper electrode lengths are provided. If
    stand pipes are used, make sure pipe is vented above upper electrode setting.
    B - One Level Operation
    If control operates at one level only ( starts and stops at one electrode level) check
    1. Electrode Wires
    If wires between control and electrodes are interchanged, load relay will not operate
    over a range in level, but from the lower electrode only. To correct, simply reverse
    electrode connections either at terminal strip or electrode holder.
    2. Holding Circuit
    If the holding circuit ( terminals 4--7) is not closing, the load relay will operate from the
    upper electrode only. If the holding circuit is not opening, the relay will operate from
    the lower electrode only. This holding circuit contact can be checked for continuity
    with an ohmmeter. If defective, and if contacts 2-5-8 are not being used for load
    connections, contacts 5-8 can be used as a holding circuit contact. Move the internal
    jumper from terminal 7 to terminal 8, and move the lower electrode connection from
    terminal 4 to terminal 5.
    C - Intermittent Operation
    If the control occasionally short cycles or operates intermittently, check the following:
    1. Continuously monitor input voltage for fl uctuations or voltage spikes.
    2. Check for physical vibration caused by contactors or magnetic starters
    mounted nearby.
    3. Check A-4 & A-6.
    D - Constant Chatter
    If load relay contacts chatter continuously, check defective control as in A-2.
    1. If relay now operates correctly, check A-4 & A-6, B; C-1 and C-2.
    2. If relay still chatters with terminals 13 & 14 jumpered together, the load relay
    is defective, or the capacitor across the load relay coil may be defective.
    E - Load Relay Will Not Drop Out
    If relay will not drop out when liquid falls below lower electrode, check the following
    1. Defective Control - See A-2.
    2. Grounded Electrode Leads
    A ground in the lead wire to the upper or lower electrode will prevent the relay from
    dropping out on low liquid level.
    If the distance from the holder to the control is relatively short, the best way to check
    for ground is to connect replacement wires from the terminal strip to electrode holder,
    outside of conduit, and test for proper operation. If load relay drops out properly, it is
    safe to assume that a ground exists in the original wires to the electrode holder.
    If control is located a considerable distance from the electrode holder, check for
    ground as follows: Disconnect power, remove wires from terminals in electrode
    holder, and allow them to stick up in the air to eliminate the possibility of contacting
    a grounded part. Then turn on power. If load relay pulls in, a short is indicated in the
    upper lead wire to ground between the control and the electrode holder.
    If the load relay does not pull in , short the relay with a piece of insulated wire by
    bridging between relay terminals 13 & 14. The load relay should pull in when this
    connection is broken. If the relay does not drop out, a short to ground is indicated
    in the lower electrode lead between the control and electrode holder. If any of these
    conditions exist, disconnect the power and replace the grounded wires.
    3. Electrode Holder
    Excessive dirt or moisture over the insulation at the electrode holder or the
    electrodes can cause faulty operation. The interior of the electrode holder and its
    underside should be kept clean and dry. Conduit connection should be made so that
    no condensation can enter the holder. The underside of vertically mounted holders
    should never come in contact with the liquid. Insulated rod electrodes should be
    used with horizontally mounted holders. Electrodes should be kept clean and free
    of dirt or grease. A periodic check should be made to make sure that they do not
    become fouled with fl oating debris or insulating deposits.
    4. Length of Electrode Lead Wire
    On installations with excessive distance ( over 1, 000 feet) between a 5200-LF1 low
    sensitivity control and the tank, capacitance in the lead wires from the control to the
    electrodes may affect normal operation. If wired for direct operation, capacitance
    would cause the load relay to hold in when the liquid leaves the lower electrode. If
    wired for inverse operation, the load relay would fail to pull in. In this event, a 5200-
    HF2 high sensitivity control should be used.
    Inverse Operation
    In inverse operation, the relay is energized when liquid falls below the lower
    electrode, and current ceases to fl ow. Be sure sensitivity resistor has been installed
    between terminals 13 & 14, and a ground connected to terminal 15.
    F - Load Relay Will Not Pull In
    If relay will not pull in when liquid drops below lower electrode, failure to operate is
    probably caused by one of the following conditions:
    1. Power Failure or No Voltage
    See Section A-1 under Direct Operation.
    2. Defective Controls
    To check the relay, disconnect electrode and load connections from relay terminals.
    Apply line voltage to the appropriate terminals, ( 10 & 11 or 10 & 12) , and short
    between terminals 14 & 15 with an insulated jumper wire. The load relay should drop
    out when the jumper is connected and pull in when the jumper is removed. Failure to
    do so indicates a defective control.
    3. Grounded Electrode Leads
    A ground in the lead wire to the upper or lower electrode will prevent the load relay
    from pulling in . Section E-2 describes how to isolate the grounded wire when the
    relay is being used for direct operation. This same method can be used when the
    control is being used for inverse operation, but the functions must be reversed. ( i.e.
    â drop outâ interchanged with â pull inâ ) . In section E-2, bridge between terminals 14 &
    15 instead of 13 & 14.
    4. Electrode Holder - See Section E-3
    5. Length of Lead Wires
    Excessive distance will not allow the 5200-LF1 low sensitivity control to operate
    when the liquid drops below the lower electrode. See Section E-4.
    Copyright 2005 by AMETEK Automation & Process Technologies
    1080 N. Crooks Road, Clawson, MI 48017 Toll Free 800-635-0289
    Phone 248-435-0700 Fax 248-435-8120
    1/ 06.Z152
    G - One Level Operation
    If load relay operates at one level only ( starts and stops at one electrode) , check
    1. Electrode Wires - See Section B-1.
    2. Holding Circuit
    If the holding circuit ( contacts 1-7) is not opening, the load relay will operate from
    the lower electrode only. If holding circuit is not closing, the relay will operate from
    the upper electrode only. As in Section B-2 for direct operation, if contact 1-7 is
    defective, contacts 2-8 can be used as an alternate holding circuit contact.
    H - Intermittent Operation
    If load relay occasionally short cycles or operates intermittently, check the
    1. See Section C-1 and C-2.
    2. Check Section J-3 and J-5.
    I - Constant Chatter
    If load relay chatters continuously, check as in Section F-2. If relay now operates
    correctly, check Sections J-3 & J-5, G, and H.
    If load relay still chatters with terminals 14 & 15 disconnected, the relay is
    defective or there is a defective capacitor in the circuit board.
    J - Load Relay Will Not Drop Out
    If the relay will not drop out when the liquid touches upper electrode, check the
    1. Defective Control - See F-2.
    2. Poor Ground Connections
    A good dependable ground connection should be made to terminal 15 to complete
    the circuit back to terminal 14 as indicated in Section A-3.
    3. Broken Wires
    A broken or loose wire from the control to upper electrode or ground ( common
    electrode) will prevent load relay from dropping out. Check as in Section A-4, but
    â pull inâ should be replaced with â drop outâ in the description.
    4. Sensitivity Resistor Too Low
    If the sensitivity is too low, the load relay will not drop out, or will buzz and chatter.
    See A-5, but â pull inâ should be replaced by â drop outâ .
    5. Fouled Electrodes
    Accumulated deposits on the electrodes will insulate them, and prevent
    the load relay from dropping out. See Section A-6.
    6. Electrodes Too Short - See Section A-7.
    All B/ W controls are tested at the factory prior to shipment to insure proper
    operation. They should be handled with care during installation to avoid breaking
    electrical connections. If the control does not operate properly after it has been
    installed, and service instructions indicate a defect, repair should be attempted
    only by an experienced electronic technician as follows:
    With the ac line voltage applied to terminals 10 & 11 or 10 & 12 as shown on
    Form 448, the following voltages should be read between the transformer wire
    connections on back of the control ( ± 15% ) :
    Black to Orange ..........................115 volts
    Black to Blue .............................. 230 volts
    Red to White ............................... 3.6 volts
    Red to Brown .............................. 7.2 volts
    Brown to White ........................... 3.6 volts
    Green to Yellow ........................... 30 volts
    If these out-put voltages are not present, and in-put voltages check, the
    transformer is defective and should be replaced.
    Direct Operation
    Test the control as in A-2 with jumper between terminals 13 & 14. If load relay
    does not pull in, check on circuit board between two black wires leading from
    load relay for a reading of 22 to 26 volts dc. If the voltage reading is low, the
    circuit board is defective. If the voltage reading is high ( 39 to 44 volts dc) , the
    load relay has an open coil.
    Inverse Operation
    Test the control as in F-2 with jumper removed. If load relay does not pull
    in, check as above for 22 to 26 volts dc. If voltage is low, circuit board is
    defective. If voltage is high ( 39 to 44 volts dc) , load relay has an open coil.
    Replace the circuit board or the load relay as required. See parts list for
    details. If a competent technician is not available, the control should be
    returned to factory for repair or replacement.
    Replacement Parts for 5200 Solid State Controls
    Description Part Number
    Resistor Set - Low
    Resistor Set - High
    * Potentiometer Kits for 5200-LV
    Range LV1
    Range LV2
    * Potentiometer Kits for 5200-HV
    Range HV3
    Range HV4
    Range HV5
    Circuit Board - Low
    Circuit Board - High
    Load Relay
    Terminal Block - Line
    Terminal Block - Probe

    Please Contact:
    fax 6221 5602582

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