Spesifikasi :
- 20 cpm digital copier
- Standard Printer (USB Interface)
- Zoom 25% - 400%
- Warm up time : 20 seconds or less
- Continuous Copying : 1 - 999
- Password 100 s/d Pengguna
- Memori 32 MB for full digital fu
- Cost /Copy Murah Rp.36,-/Lbr
- Paper capacity of up to 1.250 sheets
Biaya Operasional Rendah
Long components & easy maintenance
- Listrik 365 WATT & Berat 39 kg
- Volume Copy 20.000/bulan
- Harga Toner isi ulang + Ppn
Rp.110.000,- 250 grm / Botol ( Isi
5000 Copy )
A. Beli & Rental (SEWA 100% Baru)
B. SEWA – MILIK (12 Bulan)
Bebas Biaya :
- TONER, SERVICE & SparePart
- Meja & Bulan ke_13 Mesin Menjadi
Milik Anda |