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    Executive Summary

    Executive Summary

    Jumlah Pesanan:
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    Keterangan :

    Company Name : PT. LAMANDAU PUTRA
    Founded in : 2009
    • Already running for : + 1 MORE YEAR
    1. Job Now : STAGE AND WILL PRODUCE Exploration
    2. Line of Business : MINING SERVICES
    3. Licensing available:
    • Explore SIUP No. / Date : Ek. 540/ 29.A/ I/ 2009 / 06 JANUARY 2009
    • TIN No. / Date : 02.917.076.8-713.000 / 19-03-2009
    • TDP No. / Date : 643/ LMD/ 2010 / 06 MAY 2010
    • Men. Justice No. / Date : AHU - 22257.AH.01.01. Year 2010 / 30 April 2010
    4. Company Address : JL. Cempaka RT. 05, No. 46 Nanga Bulik
    5. Applicant Name : M. Thamrin HS.
    6. Applicant' s address : JL. Cempaka RT. 05, No. 46 Nanga Bulik
    7. Position in Company : President Directur
    1. Project Name: Mining iron ore and other supporting materials ( Manganese, Galena, Gold, Bauxite)
    2. What will be built:
    1. Camp Kahingai
    2. Camp Stock Files S. Sepaku
    3. Weigh Bridge 2 pieces, and S. Sepaku Kahingai
    4. Entrance 6 km along the old road repair company PT. T. Lingga who are retired, Bridge 3 Fruit
    3. Project Location:
    • Village 1 : Kahingai
    • Village 2 : Bayat
    • District : Belantikan highway
    • County / city : Lamandau
    4. Total Area of land for the project:
    • Land: 3.000 H
    • Deposit estimate: 24, 438, 750 MT
    5. Licensing
    • Permits that have been published: the Deed of Establishment of PT, TIN, TDP.SIUP Exploration. Domicile Certificate, Certification Board of the Company Law of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, the Certificate all still validà of Registered -
    • Permit that does not exist:
    1. SIUP Production: In the process of what when production will soon come out permissions. ( Awaiting funds)
    2. Permit EIA: In Process ( Pending Funds)
    3. Forest Use Permit Lending: In Process ( Pending Funds)

    1. Road u / hauling : + 6 km, which will be corrected.
    2. Mining distance to Jetty / Pier : Less Over 151 KM
    3. Proximity to the Stock Mine Pail : + 75 km
    4. Location of Jetty / pier: Kalap ( Kumai) ( from stock files Distance 76 km)
    5. Jetty to Anchorage Vessel : Ship mooring Jetty Parent
    6. Trans Shipment : max. Barge size: 30.000/ mt
    7. Position Jetty: the high seas, directly above the Barge Unloading Truck

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