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PT. Cahya Setia Persada

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PT. Cahya Setia Persada
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    Accessories IBP

    Cat Nama Barang Harga

    IM2102 6 pin IBP Cable Assembly ( for BD ) 990000
    Disposible Transducer Kit ( BD P/ N: DT-4812, box of 5 4180000
    Mounting background and Accessories for IBP Transducer ( BD ) 1100000
    IM2101 6Pin IBP cable assembly ( for Hospira ) 1045000
    Disposible Transducer ( Hospira ) 781000
    Mounting background and Accessories for IBP Transducer ( Hospira )
    Mounting clamp for IBP transducer ( Hospira, Send with the cable
    6Pin Memscap IBP Cable 3850000
    6Pin Edwards IBP Cable 1045000

    Diagnostic Set Econom 3000000
    Stetoscope Dewasa Riester 435000
    Stetoscope Anak Riester 435000
    Stetoscope Bayi Riester 500000
    TensiClock Wall Riester 1850000
    Tensi Hg Beroda Riester Nova 5100000
    Tensi Hg Riester 1750000
    Tensi Hg wall Riester 2500000
    Laryngoscope set anak macintosh 4100000
    Laryngoscope set Dewasa macintosh 4100000
    Microscope Binoculer

    Microscope Binoculer Novel 4950000
    Microscope Binoculer Olynphus CX 21 16500000

    Hibicet HC Gallon 5 liter 822800
    Hibicet 500 ml 100100
    Hibiscrub Gallon 5 liter 1070300
    Hibiscrub 500 ml 128700

    Cotton Swab 82500

    Doppler pocket digital Onemed - pen type 2200000
    Doppler Pocket digital Sunray 618 E pen 2750000
    Maternal & Fetal Monitor SRF 618 K 132000000
    Printer thermal for SRF 618 K 8250000
    Central Station for Maternal fetal monitor ( observer II ) 143000000
    Fetal Monitor / CTG SRF 618 B + + 35750000
    Fetal Monitor / CTG SRF 618 B5 ( twins) 66000000
    Fetal Monitor / CTG SRF 618 LED 36300000
    Toco Probe for Fetal Monitor ( Water Proof ) 5500000
    FHR Probe for Fetal Monitor 10450000
    Toco + FHR Probe ( Waterprooff ) SFR 618 K 13200000
    CTG papen sunray 60-210 93500
    CTG papen sunray 30-240 93500
    Remote fetal doppler SR 618 Y 12100000
    patient Monitor FD M-99 P 77000000
    Adaptor for romote fetal doppler SR 618 Y 1375000

    feeding Pump Kangoro 23100000
    Pouch 1000 ml isi 30 2904000

    Gergaji gips
    Gergaji Gips Electric 4675000

    Laminaria S, ktk pak isi 12 1550000
    Laminaria M, ktk 1550000
    Laminaria L, ktk 1550000
    Laminaria XL, ktk 1550000

    Pendum Set ( OK Set )
    Pendum Set I ( OK set 1 ) 1, 925, 000, 000
    Pendum Set II ( OK set 2 ) 2, 310, 000, 000

    Kapas Pembalut 25 gram c/ 400 1, 804
    Kapas Pembalut 50 gram c/ 200 3, 487
    Kapas Pembalut 100 gram c/ 100 6, 677
    Kapas Pembalut 250 gram c/ 100 16, 104
    Kapas Pembalut 500 gram c/ 50 30, 910
    Kapas Pembalut 1000 gram c/ 30 60, 302

    Verband 4 yd x 5 cm 154, 000
    Verband 4 yd x 8 cm 248, 600
    Verband 4 yd x 10 cm 322, 300
    Verband 4 yd x 15 cm 231, 550

    Kasa Hydrophill 40 x 80 cm 130, 130

    Kapas Berlemak 500 gram 18, 832
    Kapas Berlemak 1000 gram 36, 630

    Tela Tradisional KH 267, 960
    Tela Jumbo KH 232, 320

    Kasa Steril 16 x 16 6, 347

    Foley Rusch

    Foley Catheter 2 way no 12 - 24 15, 500
    Foley Catheter 3 way no 20 - 24 63, 500
    Foley Catheter 2 way Anak no 8 - 10 45, 000
    ETT 2, 5 105, 000
    ETT 3 - 7, 5 60, 000
    ETT non kingking 7, 7.5 350, 000

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