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Hach APA 6000 Low Range Hardness Analyzer[3 Sep. 2009, 13:09:35]
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APA 6000 Low Range Hardness Analyzer

The patented* APA 6000(TM) Low Range Hardness Analyzer is a continuous-reading process analyzer designed to measure low levels of soluble hardness. The instrument uses a colorimetric indicator to determine concentration. The available range of analysis is from 50 µg/L to 10 mg/L. The analyzer provides accurate, reliable results with lower costs and reduced maintenance requirements.
The analyzer contains an integral AquaTrend interface built into the door of the instrument. The interface features a large graphical display, menu-driven software and on-screen prompting to guide you step by step through all instrument set-up, calibration and operational procedures.
Ideal for monitoring softener performance in the following processes:
• Industrial
• Ultrapure
• Water treatment
Features and Benefits
• Selectable readout - Operator-definded user interface offers a choice of graphical or numeric readout. Numeric readings can be displayed in units of mg/L, µg/L, ppm, ppb, degrees German hardness, or gr/gal.
• Additional streams - The optional sample sequencing kit allows the analyzer to sample two streams. Grab sample measurements can be made without interruption sample flow to the instrument.
• Easy to Run - Analyzer operates unattended for one month between reagent changes.
• Rapid cycle times - Instrument performs an analysis every 4 minutes.
• Automatic functions - self-cleaning, sellf-calibrating and self-priming functions simplify daily operation. Self-diagnostics alert operator to any abnormal conditions in the instrument.

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