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WellMate Composite Water System Pressure Tanks[8 Nov. 2011, 12:42:23]
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WellMate Pressure Tank | 021 84937805 | | WellMate Pressure Tank | WellMate Pressure Tank | WellMate Pressure Tank | WellMate Pressure Tank | WellMate Pressure Tank | WellMate Pressure Tank | WellMate Composite Water System Pressure Tanks | WellMate Composite Water System Pressure Tanks | WellMate Composite Water System Pressure Tanks | WellMate Composite Water System Pressure Tanks | WellMate Composite Water System Pressure Tanks | WellMate Composite Water System Pressure
Well Mate Tank
* high volume water storage
• water storage treatment
Features & Benefits
* Corrosion-proof composite construction.
o Vessel – One piece, seamless inner shell of molded FDA & / or NSF grade polyethylene provides impact and corrosion resistance.
o Outer shell is constructed of continuous fiberglass strands sealed with high grade epoxy resin.
o Corrosion resistant base allows easy access to bottom connection for installation and field service.
o Air Cell ( WM 60 & WM80) .

* Wider pressure switch settings on our E-Series tanks allow for maximum water storage during periods of peak demand.

* Pre-Installed Inlet/ Outlet Assembly – with stainless steel system connection to save time and money.

Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-80
Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-60
Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-35
Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-23
Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-09
Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-06
Pressure Tank Wellmate WM-04
Pressure Tank Wellmate 1653 WM-12/ WM10150
Pressure Tank Wellmate 2136 WM-14WB/ WM0180 PN31636

Ready Stock
Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate, Wellmate

menampilkan 104 dari 712