Jual Ashcroft® Pressure Gauge Comparators, Hub. Bp. Sinaga, email: pro.teknik@ yahoo.co.id ; pro-teknik@ live.com, Tlpn / Fax: 021 470 4719, Mobile : 0815 1311 6206 ; 021 93 800 487 ; 08 2124 167 067
Ashcroft® Pressure Gauge Comparators
Ashcroft® Pressure Gauge Comparator, 10, 000 psi
Field-portable pressure generation and test systems are ± 0.1% accurate
Operating pressure to 10, 000 psi
Hydraulic two-stage pressure gauge comparator has a built-in shuttle valve that allows for rapid pressure increases at low pressures. A single carrying case holds the pump as well as the test gauge provided, a six-inch test gauge, accurate to ± 0.1% full-scale. Test gauge provided has temperature compensation which maintains the ± 0.1% full-scale accuracy over an operating temperature range of -25 to 125° F. Operating media is standard SAE 20 weight automative/ machine oil.
Range 0-10, 000 psi
Accuracy ± 0.1% full-scale
Operating fluid SAE 20 weight oil
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