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JEIOTECHBased on years of temperature control technical experience, our highly integrated engineering team focuses on specialty
areas including electrical, mechanical, thermo-dynamics and refrigeration technology. The world-best quality and
customer satisfaction are JEIO TECH’s top priority.

ISO 9001:2000 / CE / UL certificates
JEIO TECH - Lab Companion instruments meet national and international standards with qualified manufacturing
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Tampilkan di setiap halaman
Electric aspirator pump
Portable dual-channel, water-jet aspirator pumps
VE-11 creates vacuum by an aspirator pump that is dependent on the vapor pressure of water; which, in turn, is a function of....
Ductless fume hood
Lab companion⠀ ™ Ductless Fume Hoods are manufactured and gone through complete safety tests of rigorously international standards as below
-Efficiency, Capacity of Activated....
Magnetic Stirrer ( MS-B type)
Simple usage & design

It is a lightweight plastic fitting, and is also easy to handle and provides a good design.
Streamlined design provides comfortable usage.

Model name
Magnetic Drive
These drives are designed for an agitation with full vacuum of flask. Also, its exchangeable according to users needs like replacing impeller and shaft.

Model name
Economy heating bath
Economical water bath series with complete temperature maintenance!

Especially BW-E/ D series has provided patented agitating system that makes better temperature stability. A....
General incubator
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 5 above room temperature to 70
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Economy forced convection oven
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 10 above room temperature to 220
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Automatic Syringe / Suntikan Otomatis
Peralatan Suntikan Otomatis atau spuit otomatis atau injeksi otomatis yang banyak di gunakan di industri peternakan seperti peternakan Sapi, Babi, Domba/ Kambing, Unggas ( Ayam) .
Forced convection oven
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 10 above room temperature to 250
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Economy natural convection oven
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 15 above room temperature to 220
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Natural convection oven
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 15 above room temperature to 250
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Vacuum oven
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 5 above room temperature to 250
⠀ ¢ Vacuum range: 0 to 0.1MPa, analog gauge
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: ....
Economy incubator
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 3 above room temperature to 60
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Low temperature incubator ( Forced convection)
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 0 to 60
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ Over-temperature limiter....
Low temperature incubator ( Natural convection)
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 4 to 60
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ Over-temperature limiter....
Low temperature personal incubator
Operating features
⠀ ¢ 5 to 40 at room temperature 25
⠀ ¢ Microprocess PID control/ Auto-tuning/ Calibration
⠀ ¢ Digital timer: 1 min to 99 hr 59 min, delayed ON/ OFF
⠀ ¢ ....
Incubated & Refrigerated shaker ( Floor type)
Shaking features
⠀ ¢ Select between orbital or reciprocating action
⠀ ¢ Speed range: 10 to 300 rpm
⠀ ¢ Programmable shaking motion
- Run time: 10 sec to 999 hr 59 min 59 sec
Incubated & Refrigerated shaker ( Bench-top type)
Shaking features
⠀ ¢ Select between orbital or reciprocating action
⠀ ¢ Speed range: 10 to 300 rpm
⠀ ¢ Programmable shaking motion
- Run time: 10 sec to 999 hr 59 min 59 sec
Shaker ( Open-air type)
Operating features
⠀ ¢ Select between orbital or reciprocating action
⠀ ¢ Speed range: 10 to 300 rpm
⠀ ¢ Programmable shaking motion
- Run time: 10 sec to 999 hr 59 min 59 sec....
Separatory funnel shaker
Operating features
⠀ ¢ Vertical reciprocating action
⠀ ¢ Speed range: 50 to 300 rpm
⠀ ¢ Time range: up to 60 min/ continuos operation
⠀ ¢ Vertical stroke length: 40mm ( 1.6" ) ....
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