Daftar Perusahaan - Propinsi hochiminh city - Seluruh Dunia - Semua Hari - RSShttps://indotrade.id/https://indotrade.id/perusahaan/hochiminh_city/Lingkungan/all/0.rssIndotrade.id - Lokapasar Utama Perdagangan Indonesia - Ekspor Impor - Produk, Suplier, PermintaanidTue, 04 Mar 2025 00:41:02 +0700Indotrade.idPabrikan, Dagang, Jasa: SUNRISE REAL ESTATE COMPANY LTD [Hochiminh city, hochiminh city, Viet Nam]Construction: buying land plot in HochiMinh city to build residential bloks, offices for lease, commercial centers, and hotel Education: A Chau University under construction../wwwbinhminhrealcom/profile/sunrise-real-estate-company-ltd.htmSUNRISE REAL ESTATE COMPANY LTD20230524160425