Daftar Perusahaan - Propinsi Istanbul - Seluruh Dunia - Semua Hari - RSShttps://indotrade.id/https://indotrade.id/perusahaan/Istanbul/Kebutuhan_Industri/all/0.rssIndotrade.id - Lokapasar Utama Perdagangan Indonesia - Ekspor Impor - Produk, Suplier, PermintaanidThu, 06 Mar 2025 16:53:30 +0700Indotrade.idPabrikan, Dagang: kotler co ltd [Buyukdere, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/38/1006838_logo.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/38/1006838_logo.jpg" border="1" alt="kotler co ltd" id=""></a>Redbull Energy Drink We are one of the leading exporters of ENERGY DRINKS. 1) Packing: 24 x 250 ml cans per shrink wrapped tray 2) 32 pallets in 40 ft container / 26 pallets per 20 ft container ..../kotlercoltd/profile/kotler-co-ltd.htmkotler co ltd20240625101949Pabrikan, Jasa: SSD GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED [istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/50/995350_ssdsolutionchemical.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/50/995350_ssdsolutionchemical.jpg" border="1" alt="SSD GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED" id=""></a>We sell SSD Chemical Solution used to clean all type of blackened, tainted and defaced bank notes. Our technicians are highly qualified and are always ready to handle the cleaning perfectly. Our..../ssdglobalcompanyltd/profile/ssd-global-company-limited.htmSSD GLOBAL COMPANY LIMITED20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa: nexxa mode [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/85/986885_nexxa_logo.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/85/986885_nexxa_logo.jpg" border="1" alt="nexxa mode" id=""></a>Ladies and Gentlemen, We are an Wholesaler/ Agency for Fashion from Istanbul / Turkey and working in the field knitwear and woven goods. We can provide Mens Suits, Shirts, Jacket, Shirts, ..../nexxa/profile/nexxa-mode.htmnexxa mode20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa: EKINOKS MEDIKAL DIS TICARET LTD STI [ISTANBUL, Istanbul, Turki]EKINOKS MEDIKAL DIS TICARE LTD STI INTERNATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL , MEDICAL AND FMCG TRADING/EKINOKS-MEDIKAL/profile/ekinoks-medikal-dis-ticaret-ltd-sti.htmEKINOKS MEDIKAL DIS TICARET LTD STI20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang: ATS Motor Parcalari San. ve Tic.A.S. [Istanbul / Konya, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/09/s_943809_atslogo.png"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/09/s_943809_atslogo.png" border="1" alt="ATS Motor Parcalari San. ve Tic.A.S." id=""></a>Subject : Engine Valves Dear Sirs , We� � � re the first Engine Valve manufacturer in Turkey. We produce Engine Valve since 1960. We have manufactured million pcs of engine valves and delivered..../wwwatsmotorcom/profile/ats-motor-parcalari-san-ve-tic-a-s.htmATS Motor Parcalari San. ve Tic.A.S.20240625101949Dagang: doctormarkalexander [bangkok, Istanbul, Turki]Buttocks injections are a great option for anyone looking for more projection on the back end. Mostpeople think that buttocks implants are their only option to get good projection and a round firm..../drmmarkalexander/profile/doctormarkalexander.htmdoctormarkalexander20240625101949Pabrikan: AluminiumPark [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/57/s_977057_aluminium.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/57/s_977057_aluminium.jpg" border="1" alt="AluminiumPark" id=""></a>AluminiumPark is a world class manufacturing company focused on the supply of machined and fabricated and decorative aluminium components to a diverse range of industries. AluminiumPark offers..../AluminiumPark/profile/aluminiumpark.htmAluminiumPark20240625101949Organisasi: OfisWeb Istanbul Sanal Ofis Hizmetleri [Kadýköy, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/25/s_976825_site-login-logo.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/25/s_976825_site-login-logo.jpg" border="1" alt="OfisWeb Istanbul Sanal Ofis Hizmetleri" id=""></a>Istanbul' da prestijli bir lokasyonda ofis sahibi olmak isteyen musterilerimize yardimci oluyor. Onlara sehir merkezinde bir plaza da e-5 yaninda gozde bir konumda ofis sahibi olma imkanini sunuyoruz..../sanalofis/profile/ofisweb-istanbul-sanal-ofis-hizmetleri.htmOfisWeb Istanbul Sanal Ofis Hizmetleri20240625101949Dagang: royalpharmacyco [istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/51/953451_1.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/51/953451_1.jpg" border="1" alt="royalpharmacyco" id=""></a>ACTAVIS PROMETHAZINE WITH CODEINE PURPLE COUGH SYRUP FOR SALE We also have the following products. Hydrometh w/ c Cough Syrup, Actavis Promethazine with Codeine purple cough syrup, Tussionex..../royalpharmacyco/profile/royalpharmacyco.htmroyalpharmacyco20240625101949Jasa: LABORATOIRE SAX- CHEMICALS STORE [istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]For all your worries solution to your frozen tickets we inform you that our laboratory can clean black money called anti-breeze ( the hidden money) bank notes of all kinds and we can always buy them...../SAXINTERNATIONAL/profile/laboratoire-sax-chemicals-store.htmLABORATOIRE SAX- CHEMICALS STORE20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa: Merit Otomotiv Makina Ticaret Ahmet Mert [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]MERIT OTOMOTIV MAKINA TICARET AHMET MERT is an export house from Turkey ( located Istanbul) to globe. Established in 2005 to supply spare part, accessory, equipment and attachment for vehicles, ..../Meritautomotive/profile/merit-otomotiv-makina-ticaret-ahmet-mert.htmMerit Otomotiv Makina Ticaret Ahmet Mert20230524160425Pabrikan: COPPER ORES [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]Copper Ores Limited operates a large-scale copper-cobalt project with substantial high-grade mineral reserves and integrated metallurgical operations in the Turkey./copperores/profile/copper-ores.htmCOPPER ORES20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa: Gonuller Textile [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/43/s_937743_brangososmall.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/43/s_937743_brangososmall.jpg" border="1" alt="Gonuller Textile" id=""></a>GONULLER TEXTILE IS A PROFESSIONAL APPAREL MANUFACTURER AND DISTRIBUTOR IN TURKEY. GONULLER TEXTILE PRIME GOAL IS TO BECOME A LEADING, WELL ESTABLISHED, RENOWNED MEN� � � S FASHION HOUSE IN THE WORLD. ..../gonullertextile/profile/gonuller-textile.htmGonuller Textile20240625101949Dagang: Pharmavera Pharmaceuticals Warehouse and Medical Products [Esenler, Istanbul, Turki]PharmaVera is a licensed pharmaceutical company with the vision to serve International market demand in Pharmaceuticals, Veterinary medicines, Diagnostics and Medical items. PharmaVera has access..../PharmaVera1/profile/pharmavera-pharmaceuticals-warehouse-and-medical-products.htmPharmavera Pharmaceuticals Warehouse and Medical Products20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang: Aras Baby Diaper [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]Babyfix Baby diaper is the manufacturer of branded and private label baby diapers, successfully marketed in 9 countries Babyfix success is the result of its commitment to high standards of quality..../arasbabydiapers/profile/aras-baby-diaper.htmAras Baby Diaper20240625101949Pabrikan: Pakmir Health Products [istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/95/s_924495_logo.jpg"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/95/s_924495_logo.jpg" border="1" alt="Pakmir Health Products" id=""></a>Contributing the economy of our nation by, having the potential of growing, never making concessions from the quality, providing better level of service than the expected, concerning the..../pakmirhealthproducts/profile/pakmir-health-products.htmPakmir Health Products20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang: Exportturkish Export Import Food [istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/27/s_924227_exportturkishnew.png"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/27/s_924227_exportturkishnew.png" border="1" alt="Exportturkish Export Import Food" id=""></a>our company is manufcture and exporter of Turkish Delight/Exportturkish/profile/exportturkish-export-import-food.htmExportturkish Export Import Food20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang: BULL PHARMACAUTICALS GROUP [Istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]WE ARE ONE OF THE BEST PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP BASE IN TURKEY AND OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE, SPECIALIZE IN WHOLESALES SUPPLIES OF QUALITY MEDICINE AND CHEMICALS.THIS GROUP WAS CREATED IN 2009./BullPharmaceutica/profile/bull-pharmacauticals-group.htmBULL PHARMACAUTICALS GROUP20240625101949Pabrikan: alderasticaret [&#304;STANBUL, Istanbul, Turki]<a href="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/98/s_921198_logo.png"><img style="float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" src="https://indotrade.com/pfimage/98/s_921198_logo.png" border="1" alt="alderasticaret" id=""></a>1955 TAMEK, which is one of the leading brands in Turkish food sector, was founded on 31 March 1955 in Bursa-Demirta_ . TAMEK is the abbreviation of T� � rk Alman Meyve Ekstreleri Kumpanyas1 ( The..../alderasticaret/profile/alderasticaret.htmalderasticaret20240625101949Pabrikan, Dagang: Davichems Medics [istanbul, Istanbul, Turki]We have available in stock are great quality drugs and chemicals of high purity. Our chemicals are of purity 99.99% produce the best effect needed. We sell at retail and wholesale prices and we..../davichemsltd-co/profile/davichems-medics.htmDavichems Medics20240625101949