- 19 Nov. 2015, 11:42:13 -
The SLC420 is a robust, completely self-contained 4-5nm+ Solar LED Marine Lantern which....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:30:11 -
YAMATO FIRE Powder based agent that extinguishes by inhibiting the free radicals....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:29:51 -
Breathing Apparatus ( LW 300) Description Breathing apparatus ( LW 300) is a self....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:29:33 -
Dry powder fire extinguishers are suitable for mixed fire risk environments and are....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:29:16 -
Heat-insulation suit for fire-fighting The DFXF-93-A heat insulation suit for fighting....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:28:53 -
SIAMESE A siamese connection is a standpipe that has two connections side by side. It is....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:28:28 -
Pemadam Kebakaran, Fire Extinguisher, Tabung Pemadam ; Apron, Yamato, Viking, Nittan, ....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:28:11 -
Hose, Fire Hose, Selang Pemadam, Cobra, Syntex, Ozeki, Viking, Combat, Euroline, ....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:27:51 -
Fire Blanket ( Selimut tahan api ) Adalah Alat pendukung keselamatan kerja yang....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 23:27:06 -
Hydrand Box, Box Hydran, Box Pemadam Hub : 0857 1633 5307./ 021-99861413. Email : ....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:58:10 -
The Armstrong 6024ARM alarm bell is an easy to install, maintenance free signaling device....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:57:16 -
MSA Brand: MSA Department: Personal Protection Equipment Category: Respiratory....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:56:52 -
Glove, Sarung Tangan, Cotton Glove, Welding Glove, Argon Glove, Nitrile Glove, PVC Glove, ....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:56:33 -
Sepatu Boot, Tahan Air, Sepatu Pertanian, Sepatu Proyek dll Sepatu Boot, Sepatu Karet, ....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:56:13 -
HYDRANT PILLAR ONE WAY. Untuk pemadaman api dari luar sebagai fasilitas untuk DPK yang....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:55:47 -
Product Specification: Main Model : HS-WT30L Series Model : HS-WT30L1, HS-WT30L3....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:55:33 -
Keterangan: The model HS WTK55 is a low profile and ionization dual chamber type smoke....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 22:55:12 -
Product Specification: * Item Content of specification * Model HS-AL * Power ( AC) ....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 13:55:47 -
Y STRAINER VALVE Y strainer: working pressure : 175 psi approval : UL / FM Brand....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 13:55:31 -
Product Specification: OS GATE VALVE Brand: Viking Product Type: Product Features....
- 13 Feb. 2012, 13:55:18 -
WATER BUTTERFLY VALVE psum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam....
- 12 Feb. 2012, 10:08:46 -
STAINLESS STEEL SPRINKLER psum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam....
- 12 Feb. 2012, 10:08:04 -
WEARPACK / BAJU PEMADAM API Bisa digunakan untuk Pemadam API atau jenis wearpak juga....
- 7 Feb. 2012, 11:36:40 -
Product Specification: The operation of fusible operating units is provide when the....
- 7 Feb. 2012, 11:36:18 -
Barricade Tape/ police line. Digunakan untuk pembatas pada pekerjaan galian, dll. ....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:26:15 -
Safety Shoes Junee by Krushers Model No: 213149 Color: Black or Brown Size: 4-13. Hub....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:20:15 -
Safety Vest Stearn / Pelampung, Rompi Pelampung, Lifevest, Rompi, Floating Vest, Work....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:19:58 -
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:19:46 -
Safety Vest/ Pelampung, Rompi Pelampung, Lifevest, Rompi, Floating Vest, Work Vest, Ring....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:19:31 -
Pelampung, Rompi Pelampung, Lifevest, Rompi, Floating Vest, Work Vest, Ring Buoy. Hub ....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:19:11 -
RING BUOY / LIFE BUOY : Foam or Fiber material with grey Scott light Hub : 0857 1633....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:18:51 -
Life Jacket/ Pelampung/ Safety waiscot. Untuk perlengkapan keamanan di laut. Hub : ....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:17:43 -
Protection - Cap Attachable Ear Muff - Ear Plug Tapper Fit - Ear Plug Ultra Fit - Quiet....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:17:20 -
Safety : Helmet, Goggle, ear plug, masker, bretahing apparatus, kaca mata, gas detector, ....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:16:58 -
Glove, Sarung Tangan, Cotton Glove, Rubber Glove, Leather Glove, Welding Glove, Chemical....
- 6 Feb. 2012, 4:16:43 -
Sepatu Boot, Safety Shoes, King, CS, Kent, Yamahato, Unicorn, Cheetach, Dr Osha, AP, W, ....
- 5 Feb. 2012, 22:26:16 -
Fire fighting boots, Flame retardant upper with steel toe cap and steel mid-sole....
- 5 Feb. 2012, 22:25:31 -
Product Specification: Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers FIREKING adalah produk....
- 5 Feb. 2012, 22:16:41 -
Safety Boots Rubber dengan menggunakan safety Toe Cup/ pelindung metal pada bagian depan....
- 5 Feb. 2012, 21:50:58 -
- 5 Feb. 2012, 21:50:39 -
Fire Hose Hydrant ini terbuat dari PU-Polyster Terdiri dari ukuran 1 1/ 2" , 2 1/ 2" ....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:49:55 -
Merk: SWANFOG Type: SF-88 Ket: Bahan Bakar: Bensin Kapasitas tangki bensin: 1.5liter....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:49:39 -
Merk : TASCO KA 150 SPESIFIKASI: DIMENSION: 1290x270x330MM WEIGHT: 10.8 KG/ 9.7 KG ....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:48:44 -
Sepatu Safety Red Wing. Cocok digunakan untuk pekerjaan di lapangan, industri dan pabrik....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:48:25 -
Rain Coat / Jas Hujan. Fungsi Untuk melindungi diri saat musim hujan. Bahan menggunakan....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:48:12 -
Jas Hujan AXIO. Spesifikasi : Bahan Parachute, Menggunakan schot light, Warna Biru dan....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:46:50 -
Garrett Metal Detector, Metal Detector, Super Scanner, Super Wand, Tactical, Walkthrough ....
- 4 Feb. 2012, 1:46:09 -
Keterangan: The Armstrong 3020ARM Call Point are designed to offered uncompromising....