Importir l Kamera Intai l Bentuk Kacamata l Include MP3 l Memory Internal 1GB l
Overview Produk
Garansi 1 tahun
Camera Sunglasses Mp3 | 130Mega Cmos Camera with Mp3 Player Jenis alat intai kamera ini berfungsi ganda, sebagai pemutar musik MP3, sebagai pelindung mata dari sinar matahari dan sebagai alat intai yg bisa memotret objek/ gambar di depan kita tanpa takut di ketahui lawan. you can store photos in NU Camera Sunglasses With our new camera sunglasses, not only can users shoot photos with a remote control, they can also store up to 10000 digital photos. Featuring lightweight frames and anti- scratch polarized lenses, these shades allow users to point and click without taking them off! And with a battery life of up to 9 hours and a USB port, this product is more user- friendly than regular cameras.
Untuk Info Hub : Indah / Cici
Telp : 08170886364/ 021-74637308/ 021-27363718 / 082113513454
YM : optimacel/ optimatel
Email : optimacel@