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  • 1. DIN24255/ EN733 end suction centrifugal pumps : Grundfos ITT, SIHI, SAER, etc.
    2. ISO2858 end suction centrifugal pumps : DAVEY, AGUAPLUS, etc.
    3. ZA API 610 Petrochemical....

  • Kami menyediakan berbagai macam produk abrasive, termasuk Abrasive Flap Discs, Impellers, Grinding wheel.
    Telp: ( 021) 7017 1611 , 7011 2485 , 7001 6106 , 3082 9790, 0818 08 100....

  • Industrial Brand and other product :
    Airpro Air Tools
    Allen Air Cylinders
    Allied Witan ( Alwitco)
    Arrow Pneumatics
    ASCO Electric
    Battlefield International

  • PNEUMATIC and....
  • Sintered Bronze Mufflers
    Speed Control Mufflers
    Canister Mufflers
    Electrical Connectors
    Magnetic Switches
    End - of - Stroke Sensor
    Moulded DIN Connectors
    Brass Fittings

  • Jasa perbaikan / ....
  • Bidang pelayanan: Penjualan compressor berikut purna jual, jasa perbaikan dan rekondisi, jasa penyewaan, spare part, rebuild, technical consultan dan enggineering.
    Spare Part....

  • dosing pump
  • Kami menjual dosing pump untuk berbagai macam chemical.type dosers complete with suction and delivery NRVs, tubing and foot-valve.
    Keterangan lanjut hub. T. 021-70016106, F. 021....

  • Machine Tools
  • We can Supply:
    filling machine, bottling machine, packing machine, blow moulding machine, washing filling capping machine, water treatment equipment, injection machines, ....

  • Sauna Heater Parts
  • we offer:
    * Heating Elements ( coils) .
    * Thermostat ( thermocouple) .
    * Timer.
    * Contactor.
    * Sauna Control Faceplate.
    * Sauna Rocks.
    - Manufacturer name: Saunatec, Polar....

  • nuclear coils are customed designed to meet any cooling application. The coils are built and tested to ASME " N" stamp requirements for certified quality assurance, aspects of....

  • AIR FILTER PART / ....
  • Dust Collectors and Air Filtration Products:
    * ArrestAll Model AR
    * AstroSeal Type S
    * Bag In/ Bag Out
    * Design M FabriPulse
    * Dust Catcher
    * DynaPure Mist Collector
    * K....

  • We offer:
    cyclones, bag collectors, cartridge collectors, wet collectors, mist collectors and side access housings
    If any inquiry, please kindly inform us and we will make the....

  • Variant PUMP / POMPA....
  • Offer:
    1DIN24255/ EN733 end suction centrifugal pumps ,
    2ISO2858 end suction centrifugal pumps . ,
    3ZA API 610 Petrochemical centrifugal pumps ( API 610 8TH VERSION ) ,

  • Pressure Gauge
  • Window: Polycarbonate
    Dial: Black figures on white background, aluminum
    Pointer: Friction adjust, black, aluminum Bourdon Tube: 316L stainless steel
    C-Shaped ( vacuum-600 psi

  • PLC / FUSE CONTROL/ ....
  • * Startup/ Shutdown Motherboard On/ Off Pulse
    * 20-Amp Load Switch
    * Voltage Sensing of Battery to prevent over discharge
    * Adjustable Low Voltage Threshold
    * Adjustable Power....

  • Fan / Blower
  • Harga : Tergantung Model dan Type

    Tersedia Berbagai Jenis Fan, ukuran dan Type.
    Antara lain :
    1. Axial Fan
    2. Centrifugal Fan
    3. Blower Fan
    4. Exhaust Fan
    5. Roof Fan
    6. Cooling Fan
    7. Wall Fan
    8. Spare....

  • Copeland semi-hermetic reciprocating compressors and Copeland Semi-Hermetic Screw Compressors. Copeland has sixteen different semi-hermetic screw compressors for a wide range of....

  • Electric motor / ....
  • # high efficiency for low running costs
    # high reliability for long life
    # low noise levels
    # cool running for long insulation life
    # EFF1 & 2 efficiency levels, where....

  • Pump / Pompa
  • Our Product:
    Compressor pump, water pump, chemical pump, oil pump, hydraulic pump, air pump, mechanical seal, block pump, piston, shaft, spare part etc.
    duraglass, ....

  • lubrication free air motors are
    equipped with low-friction vanes, sealed bearings
    and vented cylinder plates. Since they release no
    lubricants into the air, they offer a viable....

  • Gear Box
  • We offer:
    Gearbox, Geared Motor, Motor, Electric Motor Driver, Coupling,
    # Typical applications:
    * Bank equipment
    * Safe box
    * Paper feeder
    * Intelligent gas meter
    * ....

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