Keterangan :
Comfort in use and operating facility
High visibility screen with TFT 65 536 colors, STN 4 096 colors or Monochrome 8/ 16 gray levels, according to the model.
Accurate analog touch pad
Adjustable contrast et brightness
Multi-windows with pop-up
Up to 40 fonts ( latin, japanese, chinese, cyrillic, ...)
Set-up facility
Quick mounting wtih tool free spring clips
USB ports to connect your peripherals, to increase your connections, and to save time in your data transfer
Compact flash cards up to 1Gb
Easy Interchangeability with previous Magelis XBT G
Outstanding openess
Numerous communication ports ( serial lines, Ethernet, ...)
Multilink capability on all communication ports
And some news on top of the box-office
Video display & record on your Terminal
Remote visualization of your application pages on PC with a simple internet Browser.