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Tn. Heru WiJaya [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]


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Jl. Tanjung Duren Raya No.9 / LTC GLODOK GF -2 BLOK A2 NO.10
Jakarta -, Jakarta

Showroom kita saat ini berada dikota-kota besar dipulau jawa seperti Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang dan Surabaya.
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Menulis tinjauan

Katalog Produk

PR 20 Rotating laser setara NEOLASER Selft Leveling 3V2H1C1D Laser maker
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTransfer Bank (T/T), Tunai
Kemas & PengirimanBox Ekslusif
Negara AsalJerman


PRI 2 Rotating laser setara NEOLASER Selft Leveling 3V2H1C1D Laser maker

Quick, easy and accurate results

- The rotating laser beam can be switched at any time, by infrared remote control, to a stationary laser line that can be shifted in the horizontal or vertical planes

- 360º remote control for easy, convenient operation

- Robustly built for jobsite use, especially for all indoor applications

- Automatic shock warning and cut-out when knocked off level by an impact or excessive vibration, for reliable results at all times

- The finely adjustable PRA 70 wall bracket further simplifies countless leveling and alignment applications

Alignment in the horizontal, vertical and inclined planes

- Transferring heights

- Setting out right angles

PR 20 Rotating laser
- Our exterior rotater

- Easy leveling in the horizontal and inclined planes at the touch of a button, spot-on accuracy at up to 400 m

- High accuracy saves time and money: automatic self-leveling system for maximum precision and easy setup

- Automatic shock sensor ensures reliable, error-free results

- Durable and robust tool for everyday jobsite use: protected against dust and water ( water jets) , largely insensitive to vibration

- Easy single-person operation: self-explanatory controls and practical laser receiver for quick laser beam localization
- Mainly for exterior applications: horizontal alignment, alignment on inclines

- Excavations for foundations

- Waste water pipes / drainage pipes

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