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    PMI - S1 Turbo Portable XRF Alloy Analizer

    PMI - S1 Turbo Portable XRF Alloy Analizer

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    Positive Material Indetification
    The new Bruker AXS S1 TurboSD utilizes a revolutionary Silicon Drift Detector – the Bruker XFlash® – to provide unparalleled speed and accuracy in the analysis and Identification of all classes of alloys. This analyzer is capable of providing grade identification in less than one second, analysis in a few seconds and analyzing light elements such as aluminum and silicon in all metal matrices. The unparalleled performance of the SDD, operating in combination with Bruker’ s proprietary analytical software, allows the S1 TurboSD to provide complete chemical composition and alloy ID. The extremely high sensitivity of the SDD allows the user to analyze all elements in a sample matrix including the light elements such as Al, Si, S and P for iron, nickel and copper alloys.The Bruker S1TurboSD enables the measurement of aluminum in titanium alloys as well as all the major components of aluminum alloys without the use of vacuum or helium. The diversity of modern alloys available for high strength and corrosion resistant applications places critical demands on the need for accurate alloy identification. In many cases, a small change in the alloy composition yields substantial changes in the mechanical properties of the alloy. This leads to the need for Positive Material Identification ( PMI) to ensure industrial safety and product quality. The S1 TurboSD provides the fastest PMI analysis available for the broadest range of elements in a handheld alloy analyzer.At the end of life, most alloys are recycled through scrap dealers who sell the alloys based on the content of valuable metals such as Ni, Mo and Co, and the lack of tramp elements. The S1 TurboSD has the broadest ability to analyze scrap rapidly and analyzes all commonly used alloying elements. Using the Pass/ Fail mode even inexperienced operators can quickly sort a mixed load into single alloy categories.

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