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Moncol Pool & Spa Bali

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Moncol Pool & Spa Bali
Moncol Pool & Spa Bali
  • Katalog Produk

    Bayern Ozone Solutions

    Bayern Ozone Solutions

    Contact : Denpasar (0361)281-082, Surabaya (031)567-2474, Jakarta (021)475-1127
    Jumlah Pesanan:
    Negara Asal:
    Cara Pembayaran:
    Transfer Bank (T/T)

    Keterangan :

    Bayern ozone solution combines an automatic programmed electronic ballast, venture injector, UV/ VUV ultraviolet and proprietary nano-photocoating technology to generate higher concentration and stable ozone generation without the corrosive by-product of traditional corona discharge machine. This new technology produces reliable ozone output for treating swimming pool and water supply with crystal clear and healthier result.

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