FALK Open Gear - Girth Gear - Ring Gear
Falk Steel Castings: Maximum Lifetime Value
When it comes to assuring value, there’ s no substitute for experience. Rexnord
combines an unrivaled range of application expertise and engineering
expertise experience to offer customers a truly one-of-a-kind resource. As an
end user, we use our extensive knowledge base to routinely bring you innovative
solutions that minimize initial cost while maximizing overall lifetime value.
• Alloy cast steels deliver top performance for
heavily loaded gears, coupling hubs and
numerous other castings
• Strength and quality products that span the
construction, mining, cement, paper and
automotive industries
• Years of testing and thorough analysis on
tensile strength, yield strength, fatigue strength
and hardenability of our alloy steels
• Industry expertise from the leading
manufacturer of mechanical power
transmission equipment