Anggota Gratis
 Katalog Produk:HD32.2 WBGT Index   HD32.3 WBGT PMV AREA HEAT STRESS MONITOR  Katalog Produk:RAIN DETECTOR, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THREE AXIS ULTRASONIC ANEMOMETER, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2205.2   HD2206.2   HD2256.2   HD2259.2   HD22569.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD25.2 Turbidity, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ANEMOMETER/ THERMO ANEMOMETERS HD2103.1 AND HD2103.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DISSOLVED OXYGEN ( DO Meter)   DATA LOGGER DO9709, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PORTABLE MULTIFUCTION DATA LOGGER INSTRUMENT DO 9847, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DUAL REGULATING INDICATOR WITH MICROPROCESSOR CONFIGURATION AND TWO INPUTS, FOR VOLTAGE OR CURRENT DO9404,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONFIGURABLE MICROPROCESSOR INDICATOR CURRENT OR VOLTAGE INPUT HD9022,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY TRANSMITTERS DO9786T R1   DO9766T R1,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Passive pressure transmitters with DIN 43650   45326 connector HD 2004T   HD 20V4T   HD9408T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RELATIVE OR DIFFERENTIAL ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE TRANSMITTERS HD 408T   HD 4V8T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Transmitters for illuminance and irradiance measurements HD 2021T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH/mV TRANSMITTER DO 9403T R1,  Merk : Deltaohm  Katalog Produk:DO 9785T/DO 9765T pH transmitters,  Merk : Deltaohm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010UC/A Integrating Sound Level Meter   Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY METERS   THERMOMETERS HD2106.1 AND HD2106.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD9008TR   HD9009TR RH AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:INDICATORS OF TEMPERATURE, HUMIDITY, PRESSURE AND AIR SPEEDENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENTS WITH DIGITAL OR ANALOG OUTPUT HD2001   HD2001.1.2.3,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE AND PASSIVE TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TRANSMITTER DO 9861T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE TRANSMITTER AND RELATIVE HUMIDITY HYGROSTAT HD 2017T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:ACTIVE HUMIDITY AND HUMIDITY TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERSWITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD 2011T   HD 2012T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PASSIVE 4÷20MA HUMIDITY AND TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS WITH CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE WORKING RANGE HD2007T   HD2008T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PASSIVE HYGROTRANSMITTER HD797T,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:SIGNAL CONVERTERS / AMPLIFIERS WITH 4÷20mA OR 0÷10Vdc OUTPUT CONFIGURABLE WITH HD788 TCAL BY PC THROUGH RS232C,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THE HD 588 MODULAR SIGNAL CONVERTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THE HD 688T MODULAR TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:Pt100 SIMULATOR HD2047,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONFIGURABLE TEMPERATURE TRANSMITTERS 4÷20 mA FOR Pt100 SENSORS HD 788TR1   HD 788TR1 I   HD 786TR1   HD 988TR1 HD 988TR1 I   HD 988TR2,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2717T Transmitter, indicator, ON/OFF regulator, temperature and humidity data logger with interchangeable probe, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD3604T…, HD36V4T… Relative Pressure Transmitters,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD2013 TIPPING BUCKET RAIN GAUGE & HD2013 D DATALOGGER TO MEASURE RAINFALL,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:LP UVB 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL USE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:LP PHOT 02 PHOTOMETRIC PROBE, LP UVA 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PYRANOMETERS   ALBEDOMETERS   NET IRRADIANCE METER,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 9408T BARO, HD 9408TR BARO, HD 9908T BARO, HD 9408PS 50 Barometric pressure transmitters Static port for barometric measurements,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:QUANTUM PHOTO RADIOMETER AND THERMOMETER   DATALOGGER DO 9721,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD32.7   HD32.8.8   HD32.8.16,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD3405.2   HD3406.2   HD3409.2   HD3456.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 98569 pH   Conductivity Dissolved Oxygen   Temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DISSOLVED OXYGEN   TEMPERATURE METERS HD2109.1 AND HD2109.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH METER   CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2156.1 AND HD2156.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CONDUCTIVITY METER   THERMOMETER HD2306.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:pH AND mV SIMULATOR HD9609, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:TEMPERATURE pH METER HD2305.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:TEMPERATURE   pH METERS HD2105.1 AND HD2105.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:CALIBRATORS FOR SOUND LEVEL METERS HD9101 AND HD9102, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2110 Integrating Sound Level Meter – Portable Analyzer, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010UC Integrating Sound Level Meter, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HD 2010 MCTC  Integrated Sound level meter approved by the Ministry of Transport, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PHOTO RADIOMETER HD2302.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:PHOTO RADIOMETERS HD2102.1 AND HD2102.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MICROMANOMETERS WITH PITOT TUBE THERMOMETERS HD2114P.0, HD2114P.2, HD2134P.0, HD2134P.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:DO2003 AIR SPEED AND FLOW RATE   TEMPERATURETEMPERATURE/RELATIVE HUMIDITY   PRESSURE, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMO ANEMOMETER HD2303.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MICROMANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114.0, HD2114.2, HD2134.0, HD2134.2, HD2164.0, HD2164.0BAROMETER   THERMOMETER HD2114B.0, HD2114B.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER  HD2304.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:MANOMETER   THERMOMETER HD2124.1 AND HD2124.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HYGRO THERMOMETER HD2301.0, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:HYGRO THERMOMETERS HD2101.1 AND HD2101.2, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETER WITH TWO INPUTS HD2328.0,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:THERMOCOUPLE THERMOMETERS: K, J, T, N, R, S, B, E,  Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RTD – TC  THERMOMETERSPt100 AND TC INPUT, Merk : DeltaOhm  Katalog Produk:RTD  THERMOMETERS HD2307.0SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000  Katalog Produk:RTD THERMOMETERS HD2107.1 AND HD2107.2 SENSORS: Pt100, Pt1000, Ni1000, NTC 
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LP UVB 02 RADIOMETRIC PROBE FOR ENVIRONMENTAL USE, Merk : DeltaOhm[14 Jul. 2009, 22:00:56]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara AsalItalia


The LP UVB 02 radiometer measures the global irradiance in the UVB spectral
region on a plane surface (Watt/m2). In particular, the instrumentâs spectral sensitivity
is centered at 305nm with a 5nm band width (FWHM). The global irradiance
is the sum of the direct solar irradiance and the sky diffuse irradiance on a
surface parallel to the ground. In contrast to the visible spectrum where the direct
component prevails over the diffuse component, in the UVB spectral region light
is strongly diffused by atmosphere and thus the two components are equivalent.
Therefore it is of primary importance for the instrument to be capable of measure
both components accurately.
The LP UVB 02 probe is typically used in the following sectors:
⢠Monitoring the ozone layer. Indeed, the radiation around 295nmâ315nm is
strongly absorbed by ozone located in the stratosphere, therefore each small
variation of the ozone layer corresponds to an increase or decrease of the UV
radiation reaching the ground.
⢠Effects of UVB radiation (the most harmful to human health) on living beings.
⢠UVB radiation measurement in work spaces.
The LP UVB 02 radiometer needs power to function. Power is required to amplify
the weak signal generated by the photodiode. Indeed, the radiometer is a current/
voltage amplifi er (transimpedance amplifi er). This choice measures sun-produced
UVB irradiance. Indeed, the need to use sophisticated fi lters (partially attenuating
the signal concerned) and the relatively weak sun-produced irradiation in this
spectral area, in the best case, make the photodiode-generated current in the
order of hundreds of pAmpere. So it is not possible to use cable meters or tens
of meters long as the noise might be greater than the signal itself. Therefore the
signal must be amplifi ed.
LP UVB 02 is robust and was manufactured to operate for long periods without
maintenance (if powered correctly). This characteristic makes it suitable for location
in meteorological stations.
A platinum-resistance thermometer (Pt100) is inserted inside the LP UVB 02 in
order to control its temperature. Internal temperature must remain within its functioning
range, otherwise measurements could be affected by higher systematic
errors than those asserted in the manual. Exposure to temperature higher than
+60°C can alter the interferential-fi lters spectral characteristics.
Working Principle
The LP UVB 02 radiometer is based on an innovative solid state photodiode, the
spectral response of which was adapted to that desired by using special interferential
fi lters. In particular, the used photodiode and fi lters have exceptional
stability characteristics, both for temperature and through time. This allowed
manufacturing of an instrument that does not need heating, thus reducing energy
Particular attention has been given to fi lter design so as to make the instrument
completely blind to wavelengths outside the concerned pass-band. The solar
energy within the 302nmâ308nm spectral band is only 0.01% of the total energy
from the sun reaching Earthâs surface. The relevant spectral response curve is
shown in Fig. 1A (in linear scale) and Fig. 1B (in logarithmic scale).
Installation and Mounting of the Radiometer for the Measurement of the
Global Radiation
Before installing the radiometer refi ll the cartridge containing the silica-gel crystals.
Silica gel absorbs humidity in the dome chamber; in case of particular climatic
conditions this humidity can cause condensation on the internal side of the
dome and then modify the measurement. Do not touch the silica gel crystals with
your hands and do not wet them while refi lling the cartridge. Carry out the following
instructions in an environment as drier as possible:
1- loosen the three screws that fi x the white shade disk
2- unscrew the silica gel cartridge using a coin
3- remove the cartridge perforated cap
4- open the sachet containing the silica gel (supplied with the radiometer)
5- fi ll the cartridge with the silica-gel crystals
6- close the cartridge with its own cap, paying attention that the sealing O-ring
be properly positioned and undamaged
7- screw the cartridge to the radiometer body using a coin
8- check that the cartridge is screwed tightly (if not, the silica-gel life will be
9- position the shade disk and tighten it with the screws
10- the radiometer is ready for use
⢠The LP UVB 02 has to be mounted in a readily accessible location to be able
to provide for a periodic cleaning of the external dome and for the maintenance.
Check also that no building, construction, tree or obstruction exceeds horizontal
plane where the radiometer lays. If this is not possible, select a site where
obstructions do not exceed 5 degrees of elevation, in the path followed by the sun,
between earliest sunrise and latest sunset.
⢠The radiometer has to be located far from any kind of obstruction, which might
throw the solar radiation (or its shade) on the radiometer.
⢠The LP UVB 02 radiometer is provided with a spirit level for carrying an accurate
horizontal leveling. The adjustment is made by means of two leveling screws that
allow to adjust the radiometer inclination. Use the two 6mm-diameter and 65mminteraxial-
distance holes to mount the instrument on a plane. Remove the shade
disk to access the holes and reposition it after mounting
It is important to keep the outer domes clean to grant the best measurement
accuracy. Consequently, cleaning the dome more often will give more accurate
measurements. Cleaning can be carried out using water and standard papers
for lens, or, if not suffi cient, using pure ETHYL alcohol. After using alcohol, clean
again the dome with water only.
Because of the high rise/fall in temperature between day and night, some condensation
might appear on the radiometer dome. In this case the performed reading
is highly overestimated. To minimize the condensation growth, the radiometer is
provided with a cartridge containing desiccant material: Silica gel. The effi ciency
of the Silica gel crystals decreases in time with humidity absorption. Silica-gel
crystals are active when their colour is yellow, and they turn blue when they
loose their power. See the instructions of fi gure 3 on how to replace them. Silica
gel typical duration goes from 2 to 6 months depending on the environment where
the radiometer works.
Yearly calibration of the instrument is recommended. Calibration can be performed
by DeltaOhm Metrological Laboratories, or by connecting it to an identical
instrument calibrated with reference to a Primary Metrological Institute having a
known calibration factor.
Calibration and Measurements
The radiometer S sensitivity (or calibration factor) allows to determine the irradiance
by measuring a signal in Volts generated by the internal amplifi cation circuit.
It is possible that an offset be present on the output signal of some fractions of
millivolts (0.3-0.4mV), in which case it is also recommended that the data be
acquired at night and subtract the night-measurement offset from the performed
measurements. Once the difference of potential (VoutUV+) has been measured
at the ends of the resistance, the Ee irradiance is obtained applying the following
Ee= [VoutUV+] / S
Ee: is the irradiance expressed in W/m2,
VoutUV+: is the difference of potential measured by the multimeter and
expressed in V,
S: is the calibration factor in V/(W/m2), shown on the radiometer label
(and mentioned on the calibration report).
In the presence of a possible offset of OF Volts, the previous calculations must
be modifi ed as follows:
Ee= ([VoutUV+] - OF)/S
Similarly, to know the instrument internal temperature once the âVoutTemp+â voltage
in volts is known, we get:
T=100à [VoutTemp+] - 40 °C
Supposing a voltage VoutTemp+=0.532V is read, the previous formula gives the
radiometer internal temperature:
T=(100 ⢠0.532) - 40 °C =13.2 °C
Radiometers are factory calibrated one by one and they are marked by their own
calibration factor. Calibration is carried out by measuring the radiometer-produced
output signal when hit by a parallel and homogeneous light-beam on the diffuser
surface. The source used is a monochromatic source at 304nm. The source is
periodically calibrated by a Primary Metrological Institute.
Note: currently no international calibration standards for this type of radiometer
exist; therefore, the calibration coeffi cient only makes sense if the
procedure followed to obtain it has been specifi ed. Therefore the user has
to consider that the same radiometer calibrated with different procedures
can have different sensitivity factors, as explained in the article âSource of
Error in UV Radiation Measurementsâ, T. C. Larason, C. L. Cromer issued in
the âJournal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technologyâ
Vol. 106, Num. 4, 2001. (The article is available free of charge on the
NIST web site at the following address:
Technical characteristics
Typical sensitivity: H5V/(W/m2)
Response time:

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