The HD9008TR and HD9009TR are single block RH and temperature
microprocessor transmitters, temperature confi gurable. The HD9008TR
is a passive transmitter with a 4…20mA output and 7…30Vdc power
supply; the HD9009TR is a transmitter with a 0…1V standard voltage
output (other outputs available on demand) and 7…30Vdc power supply.
Sensors are mounted at the end of a plastic tube: a capacitive humidity
sensor and a Platinum temperature sensor (100© @0°C).
The instrument can be reprogrammed by means of a key, and no jumper or
potentiometer actions are required. The humidity input can be recalibrated
by using two saturated solutions: the fi rst one at 75%, the second one
at 33%; the 0%RH…100%RH relative humidity range is fi xed, 4mA (or
0Vdc) correspond to 0%RH, 20mA (or 1Vdc) equal 100%RH.
Temperature standard confi guration is –40…+80°C for the HD9008TR for
the HD9009TR, corresponding to 4…20mA and 0…1Vdc, respectively.
The user can confi gure the temperature output in ranges different from
the standard one by means of a Pt100 simulator or of a set of fi xed
resistances, provided that it is included in the -40°C…+80°C range
with a minimum amplitude of 25°C. Two LEDs give alarm indications
(temperature exceeding set range, sensor breakage or short-circuit) and
help the operator when programming.
An out-of-standard temperature operating range can be requested when
placing the order.
Important Warning: probes work in the -40°C…+80°C temperature range.
Outside this range data are not correct; electronics is designed to operate
in this range.
The humidity sensor is a condenser which dielectric is made up by an
hygroscopic polymer. As water dielectric constant is approximately 80,
you’ll get a strong change in capacity as the humidity content of this
polymer changes. The advantages of this kind of sensor are: good linearity,
insensitivity to temperature changes, fast response time and long-lasting
life. The sensor temporarily looses its accuracy if some condensation
develops on its surface (the transmitted value is higher than the real one
because of an increase in effective capacity).
The temperature sensor is a Platinum resistance thermometer (100©
@0°C). The Pt100 resistance variation is transformed into a current or
voltage signal, linear to temperature.
The electronic circuit design provides the signal to increase linearly as
humidity and temperature raise.
In presence of cables transmitting high currents or machines causing
electromagnetic noises, the transmitter connection cables have to be
placed in a separate raceway, or far from them, to prevent these noises.
It is recommended to use a shielded cable for the connections of
instruments having a voltage output (HD9009TR).
Electronics Working Temperature -40…+80°C
Sensor Working Temperature -40…+80°C
Transmitter Power Supply 7…30Vdc
Capacity 300 pF typ.
Measuring Range 5…98%RH
Accuracy at 20°C ±2%RH (5…90%RH)
±2.5%RH (for the remaining range values)
Response time at 63% of
final variation 3 min. with filter; 6s without fi lter
Output Signal 0%RH = 4.0mA
100%RH = 20.0mA
0%RH = 0.00 Vdc
100%RH = 1.00 Vdc (*)
Load Resistance RLmax= (Vdc - 7)
22mA RinMIN=10k©
Measuring Range – Standard
Configuration - (**) -40…+80°C -40…+80°C
Accuracy ±0.1°C ±0.1% of measurement
Response time at 63% of
final variation 60s with filter; 5s without filter
Output Signal -40°C = 4.0mA
+80°C = 20.0mA
-40°C = 0.00 Vdc
+80°C= 1.00 Vdc (*)
Load Resistance RLmax= (Vdc - 7)
22mA RinMIN=10k©
Dimensions Ø 26 x 225mm
Cable Dimensions
Maximum Length (***) 200m 10m
Wire Min. Section 20 AWG - 0.5mm2 20 AWG - 0.5mm2
Cable Max. Diameter Ø5mm Ø5mm
HD9008TR: dual passive RH and temperature microprocessor transmitter
4…20mA outputs in 0…100%RH and -40…+60°C ranges.
HD9009TR: dual RH and temperature microprocessor transmitter.
0…1V output in 0…100%RH and -40…+60°C ranges.
HD9007 A1: 12-ring protection L=190 mm complete with mounting
HD9007 A2: 16-ring protection L=240 mm complete with mounting
HD75: saturated salt solution 75% R.H. with adapter M 24x1,5
HD33: saturated salt solution 33% R.H. with adapter M 24x1,5
HD9008.21.1: holder for vertical sensor, wall distance 250mm,
hole Ø 26.
HD9008.21.2: holder for vertical sensor, wall distance 125mm,
hole Ø 26.