HD3405.2 - HD3406.2 - HD3409.2 - HD3456.2 pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature, Merk : DeltaOhm[9 Jul. 2009, 0:29:43]
The instrument series HD34… is made up of 4 bench top instruments for electrochemical measures: pH, conductivity,
dissolved oxygen, and temperature.
The displayed data can be stored (datalogger) and can be transferred to PC or serial printer thanks to the multistandard
serial ports RS232C and USB2.0 and software DeltaLog9 (Vers.2.0 and subsequent ones). The storing
and printing parameters can be set from menu.
The HD3405.2 measures pH, redox potential (ORP) in mV. It measures temperature with Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion,
penetration or contact probes. The pH electrode calibration can be carried out on one, two or three points and
the calibration sequence can be chosen from a list of 13 buffers.
The HD3406.2 measures conductivity, liquid resistivity in liquids, total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity
using combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/temperature probes. Temperature is measured by Pt100 or Pt1000
immersion, penetration or contact probes.
The probe calibration can be performed automatically in one or more of the 147¼S, 1413¼S, 12880¼S or 111800¼S/
cm conductivity calibration solutions.
The HD3409.2 measures the concentration (in mg/l) of dissolved Oxygen in liquids, the saturation index (in
%) and the temperature using SICRAM combined probes of polarographic type with two or three electrodes and
integrated temperature sensor. Temperature is measured by Pt100-SICRAM or direct 4 wire-immersion, penetration
or contact probes.
Thanks to an internal pressure sensor, the instruments automatically compensate for barometric pressure. The
instrument anticipates automatic compensation of the Oxygen probe membrane permeability and of the salinity of
the liquid being examined. The dissolved Oxygen probe’s quick calibration function guarantees timely correctness of
the performed measurements.
The HD3456.2 measures pH, mV, redox potential (ORP), conductivity, resistivity in liquids, total dissolved
solids (TDS), and salinity using combined 4-ring and 2-ring conductivity/temperature probes. Temperature is
measured by Pt100 or Pt1000 immersion, penetration or contact probes.
The pH electrode calibration, as well as manual, can be carried out on one, two or three points and the calibration
sequence can be chosen from a list of 13 buffers.
The probe calibration can be performed automatically in one or more of the 147¼S, 1413¼S, 12880¼S or 111800¼S/
cm conductivity calibration solutions.
The display shows continually the temperature in °C or °F and one selectable parameter according to the connected
probe type, i.e. in case of conductivity probe it is possible to select between Ç or © or TDS or g/l.
Other common function of this instrument series include: Max, Min and Avg function, the Auto-HOLD function, the
automatic turning off which can also be disabled.
Technical characteristics of the instrument series HD34…
Common technical data
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) 220x120x55mm
Weight 460g (complete with batteries)
Materials ABS, rubber
Display 2x4½ characters plus symbols
visible area: 52x42mm
Operating conditions
Working temperature -5 … 50°C
Stocking temperature -25 … 65°C
Working relative humidity 0 … 90% RH without condensation
Protection degree IP66
Batteries 3 batteries 1.5V type AA
Autonomy (only batteries) 100 hours with 1800mAh alkaline batteries
Mains (cod. SWD10) Output mains adapter 100-240Vac/ 12vdc-1A
Security of memorized data
Selectable storage interval
1s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 1min, 2min, 5min, 10min,
15min, 20min, 30min and 1hour
Date and hour Schedule in real time
Accuracy 1min/month max departure
Serial interface RS232C
Type RS232C electrically isolated
Baud rate Can be set from 1200 to 38400 baud
Data bit 8
Parity None
Stop bit 1
Flow Control Xon/Xoff
Serial cable length Max 15m
Selectable print interval immediate or 1s, 5s, 10s, 15s, 30s, 1min, 2min,
5min, 10min, 15min, 20min, 30min and 1ora
USB Interface
Type 1.1 - 2.0 electrically isolated
Common connections to all models
Serial interface and USB 8-pole MiniDin connector
Mains adapter (cod. SWD10) 2-pole connector (positive at centre) 12Vdc/1A
EMC Standard regulations
Security EN61000-4-2, EN61010-1 level 3
Electrostatic discharge EN61000-4-2 level 3
Electric fast transients EN61000-4-4 level 3, EN61000-4-5 level 3
Voltage variations EN61000-4-11
Electromagnetic interference
susceptibility IEC1000-4-3
Electromagnetic interference
emission EN55020 class B
Technical characteristics HD3405.2 pH - mV - °C/°F measurement
Measured values
pH, mV, °C, °F
Storage of measured values
Type 2000 pages of 17 samples each
Quantity 34,000 sets of measures made up of [pH or mV]
or and [°C or °F].
Measurement connections
Temperature probe input 8-pole male DIN45326 connector
with SICRAM module or TP47 module female BNC
pH/mV input
pH Measurement
Measurement range -2.000…+19.999pH
Resolution 0.01 or 0.001pH selectable from menu
Accuracy ±0.001pH ±1digit
Input impedance >1012©
Calibration error @25°C |Offset| > 20mV
Slope 63mV/pH
Sensitivity 106.5%
Automatic / manual -50…+150°C
temperature compensation
mV Measurement
Measurement range -1999.9…+1999.9mV
Resolution 0.1mV
Accuracy ±0.1mV ±1digit
Drift after 1 year 0.5mV/year
Temperature Measurement
Pt100 measurement range -200…+650°C
Pt1000 measurement range -200…+650°C
Ni1000 measurement range -50…+250°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Accuracy ±0.1°C ±1digit
Drift after 1 year 0.1°C/year
Automatically detected pH standard solutions (@25°C)
1.679pH - 2.000pH - 4.000pH - 4.008pH
4.010pH - 6.860pH - 6.865pH - 7.000pH
7.413pH - 7.648pH - 9.180pH - 9.210pH