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Alat Laboratorium,  Alat Testing,  Alat Lab ( HP 0815 9935009),  e-mail : karyamitrausaha@


Digital Plant Canopy Imager ( CI-110)[16 Jan. 2012, 22:31:19]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & PengirimanStandard
Negara AsalIndonesia
Digital Plant Canopy Imager ( CI-110)
* Single measurement for data collection
* 150° -wide viewing angle with live high-resolution fish-eye image
* Collect data under any lighting conditions. The CI-110 accommodates for changes in ambient light
* Non-destructive measurement of Leaf Area Index ( LAI) and Photosynthetically Active Radiation ( PAR)
* On-site evaluation of solar beam transmission coefficients or gap fractions
* Calculation of diffuse radiation transmission coefficients ( the sky view factor) , mean foliage inclination angles, and plant canopy extinction coefficients
* User-selected number of zenith and azimuthal divisions allows investigation of any canopy sectors desired
* Sun-path can be easily plotted on the image
* A fully integrated ceptometer with 24 photodiodes to measure Sunflecks in the range of Photosynthetically Active Radiation

* Lens: Self leveling PENTAX Lens
* Image Resolution: 768 � 494 pixels
* Interface: USB
* Measuring Time: 0.5 second
* Fish-eye Lens Angle: 150°
* Operating Temperature: 5 to 50° C
* Probe Size: 20 � 20mm
* Arm Length: 400mm
* Probe and Arm Weight: 0.5kg
* PAR: 24 PAR sensors

Simply position the CI-110 under the desired leaf canopy. The auto-leveling fisheye camera lens ( 150° ) displays a live image of the canopy for accurate data collection. Once you have captured the desired canopy image, software-driven analysis manipulates any data portion you desire, making manual image masking obsolete.

Calculations Performed:

* Leaf Area Index ( LAI)
* Mean Foliage Inclination
* Sunflecks - The fraction of visible sky from below the canopy
* Photosynthetically Active Radiation ( PAR)

Contact :
email : karyamitrausaha@
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