Alat Laboratorium | Alat Testing | Test Instrument : 0251-7543316, karyamitrausaha@,
Our Product Range :
1. OPTIKA - ITALY : Binocular Microscope, Trinocular Microscope, Digital Microscope, , Laboratory Polarising Microscopes, Up Right Metallurgical Microscope, Inverted Biology Microscope, Stereo Microscope, Inverted Metallurgical Microscope, Upright and Inverted Epi-Fluorescence Microscopes, Gemological Stereomicroscopes
2. HERMLE - GERMANY : Lab. Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Microlitre Centrifuge, Universal High-Speed Centrifuge
3. LABOMED - USA : Spectrophotometer, UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, Double beam Spectrophotometer, UV-Vis Auto scanning Spectrophotometer
4. ALP - Japan : Laboratory Autoclave, Medical Autoclave
5. ELMA - Germany : Ultrasonic Cleaning Bath, Industrial Ultrasonic Cleaning System
6. ADAM EQUIPMENT - UK : Analytical Balance, Precision Balance, Moisture Analyzer, Compact Balance, Mechanical Balance, Bench Scale
7. NYX TECHNIK - USA : Vertical Electrophoresis, Horizontal Electrophoresys, Gel Documentation System, Power Supply, Thermal Cycler, UV Transilluminators
8. NABERTHERM - GERMANY : Muffle Furnace, Tube Furnace, High Temperature Furnace, Split Furnace
9. GFL - GERMANY : Water Still, Water Bath, Deep Freezer, Shaker, Steam bath, Tissue Float Bath, Hybridization Incubator, Tube Roller Incubator
10. HUMANLAB. - KOREA : Lab. Freezer, Seed Germinator, Oven, Incubator, Humidity and Temperature Chamber, Fume Hood, Laminar Air Flow, Biological Safety Cabinet, Growth Chamber, BOD Incubator, etc.
11. OMNI - USA : Homogenizer, Ultrasonic Homogenizer, Multi-sample Homogenizer
12. FUNGILAB - SPAIN : Viscometer, Rotational Viscometer, Flow Cup Viscometer, Falling Ball Viscometer
13. CONSORT - BELGIUM : pH, Conductivity, TDS, Dissolved Oxygen Meter
14. HUMAN CORP. - KOREA : Water Purification System
1. HISTOLINE - ITALY : Rotary Microtome, Automatic Microtome, Cryostat Microtome, Tissue Processor, Tissue Embending Center, Paraffin Dispensing Console
2. OPTIMA - JAPAN : Bilirubin Meter, Hemoglobin Meter, Visible Spectrophotometer, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Orbital Shaker, Micro Centrifuge, Colorimeter, Electrophoresis, Gel Documentation
3. BIOSAN : Shaker, Rotator, Rocker, Thermo-Shaker, Shaker, Vortex, Mini Centrifuge, Dry block Thermostat, Water bath, Magnetic Stirrer, Over-head Stirrer, UV Cabinet for PCR, Densitometer, Fluorometer, Washer, Aspirator.
4. INTERSCIENCE - FRANCE : Bag Mixer Lab. Blender, Gravimetric Dilutor, Automatic Colony Counter, Accelerated Bacterial Enumeration.
5. EUROCLONE - ITALY : Microbiological Safety Cabinet, Laminar Air Flow, Cytotoxic Drugs Handling Cabinet, PCR Cabinet.
6. KALTIS - TAIWAN : Ultra low Temperature Freezer - 86 º C, Low Temperature Freezer -40 º C, Ultra Low Temperature Freezer - 156 º C
7. DIALAB - AUSTRIA : Micro plate Reader, Micro plate Washer
8. WS TYLER - USA : Rotap Sieve Shaker, Test Sieve Shaker
9. GROVERS : Dissolution Tester, Tap Density Tester, Disintegration Tester, Test Friability Tester
10. PP SYSTEM - USA : Portable Photosynthesis, Porometer, Leaf Cuvettes, Soil Canopy & Chamber, Chlorophyll Flourescence
11. HEROLAB - GERMANY : Centrifuge, Refrigerated Centrifuge, High Speed Centrifuge, Gel Documentation, Automatic Colony Counter, UV Products
12. FOOD TECHNOLOGY - USA : Food Texture Analyzer
13. LAB PLANT - UK : Lab Scale Spray Dryer
14. ALL-AMERICAN - USA : Portable Sterilizer
15. BIOTRON - KOREA : Lab. Scale Fermentor, Pilot Plant Fermentor
1. AURORA INSTRUMENTS - CANADA : Atomic Absorption Spectrometer ( AAS) , Atomic Fluorescence, Mercury Analyzer + Hydride Forming Analyzer, Microwave Digestion, Liquid Handling, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
2. BRIMROSE - USA : NIR MIR Spectrometer, Benchtop NIR Analyzer, Handheld AOTFF-NIR Spectrometer
3. CECIL - UK : HPLC, Isocratic HPLC, Binary Gradient HPLC, Ion Chromatography, Spectrophotometer
4. ANGSTOM ADVANCED INC. - USA : Gas Chormatograph
6. SKY RAY : X-ray Fluorescence Spectometer
7. COLOR RITE - GERMANY : Color Spectrophotometer
8. AMEL ELECTROCHEMISTRY - ITALY : Trace Analyzer, Polarographic Analyzer
1. ORTON - USA : Dilatometer, Glass Dilatometer, Molten Glass Viscometer
2. COFOMEGRA - ITALY : Corrosion Box, Solar Box, Etching Machines
3. BETACOLOR - USA : Densitometer, Specto Densitometer
4. DOSER - GERMANY : Moisture Meter for Paper and Cardboard, Moisture for Wood and Building Material, Moisture Meter for Building Material.
5. DEFELSCO - USA : Coating Thickness Gauges, Inspection Instruments
6. DELMHORST - USA : Moisture Meter for Cotton, Flooring, Grain, Hay, Moe Inspector, Industrial & Mill Application, Kil-Mo-Trol In Klin Moisture Monitor, Leather, Paper, Restoration/ IAQ, Soil, Wood worker, etc.
7. IMV CORPORATION - JAPAN : Vibration Meter, Vibration Measuring Instruments, Seismic Monitoring System.
1. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVICES CORPORATION : Particulate Monitor, Airborne Particle Monitor, Portable Particulate Ambient Air Sampler, Particulate Air Monitor
2. KIMO - FRANCE : Anemometer, Lux Meter, Vane Anemometer, Air Quality Monitor, Infrared Thermometer, Thermometer Digital, Thermohygrometer Digital
3. MET ONE - USA : Hand Held Particle Counter, Bench top Particle Counter, Portable Ambient Particulate
4. HF INDUSTRY - USA : Hand held Turbidity Meter, Laboratory Turbidity Meter
5. IMR - USA : Combustion Gas Analyzer, Flue Gas Analyzer
6. E Instrument - USA : Combustion Gas Analyzer, Industrial Combustion Analyzer, Industrial Combustion & Emission Analyzer
7. CLEAN AIR EXPRESS - USA : Emission Sampling Equipment
8. ASSEMBLAD - ITALY : Automotive Gas Analyzer, Automotive Infrared Gas Analyzer, Smoke / Opacity Meter
9. SOLINST - CANADA : Water Level Meter, Water Interface Meter, Water TLC Meter, Water Tag Line Meter.
10. STAPLEX - USA : High Volume Air Sampler, Low Volume Air Sampler
11. WILKS ENTERPRISE - USA : TOG Oil and Grease Analyzer
12. PARTECH - UK : Portable Suspended Solid
13. WINDAUS - GERMANY : Portable Photometer
EDIBON – SPAIN : Physics, Electronics, Communications, Electricity, Energy, Systems & Automatics, Mechanics & Materials, Fluid Mechanics & Aerodynamics, Thermodynamics & Thermotechnics, Process Control, Chemical Engineering, Food & Water Technologies, Environment, etc....