
MEMBRANE ULTRA-FILTRATION/ UF[10 Feb. 2012, 1:17:43]

How to choose the best membrane for a given process is often a difficult task.

The right choice of membrane type is crucial to achieving an optimised filtration process in terms of capacity, yield and efficiency.

Membrane type, plant design and processing parameters should be carefully matched to meet the desired performance and cost-efficiency of the overall process.

When it comes to innovative, value-adding solutions, AMFOR' s Technology and Service is always the first rate!

AMFOR is one of the worlds' largest and professional providers of Ultrafiltration membranes for a wide range of applications.

Typical Application for UF Sanitary Membrane are:

� Whey/ Milk protein concentrate
� Whey/ Milk protein isolate
� Yoghurt
� Brine Clarification
� Clarification of fruit juice
� Endotoxin & Pyrogen removal
� Recovery of vaccines and antibiotics from fermentation broth
� Enzyme concentration

We havebeen producing with 2, 5" ~ 10"

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