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pt. Metalindo Erabuana E
pt. Metalindo Erabuana E
:::: FAST DELIVERY ::::::: 1 WEEK TO 6 WEEKS ::::

menampilkan 6 dari 15

Katalog Produk

Evaporator , Condenser , Falling Film Evaporator , Refrigeration Evaporator, DX Evaporator, Refrigeration Condenser , Absorbtion Condenser, Absorbtion Generator, Amonia Condenser, Cooler, NH3 Condenser[27 Aug. 2015, 10:02:40]
Jumlah Pesanan: Tambah ke Keranjang
thermo Q Evaporator or Condenser is equipments product of heat exchanger for Industri , to fulfill requirement of equipments of refrigeration at HVAC process , we fabricate Shell and Tube for Evaporator , Condenser and also Refrigerant Gas Recovery . FEATURE : Type Dry Expansion Evaporator applied at Air Cooled and also Water Cooled Chiller with fluid made cool in the form of water , chemical , brine ( anti frezz fluid ) and also sea- water . Type Shell and Tube Condenser applied at Packaged Air Conditioner , Water Cooled Chiller , Heat Pump , Heat Recovery and also Marine Refrigeration and Air Condition . Cooler fluid from water Cooling Tower , river water or sea- water . Gas Type Cooler serve the purpose of Heat Recovery at system refrigeration as hot water producer / Hot Water Generator . All units can operate on various types Refrigerant : R 22 ; R 134a ; R 404A ; R 407C ; R 507A The application of equipments : - Refrigeration Evaporator - DX Evaporator - Refrigeration Condenser - Absorption Generator - Absorption Condenser - Absorption Cooler - Absorption Evaporator - Cooler - Ammonia Condenser - NH3 Condenser