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HAndy Talky Motorola GP 338 Plus [ 27 Feb. 2011, 23:01:51 ]
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Handy Talky Motorola GP-338 Plus UHF/ VHF

Motorola GP338 Plus display radio - the smallest in Motorola� s Professional Series. It is compact, light and fit easily into the palm of your hand. A versatile alternative for those who require additional features to meet expanding communication needs.

Advanced Audio Technology
Motorola� s special voice compression and low level expansion technology enable crisper, clearer and stronger audio quality, allowing you to keep communicating even in a noisy environment.
Feature :

* Signalling - Quick Call II, DTMF, limited MDC1200
* Power Output - 6W 5W ( VHF) 4W ( UHF)
* Option Board - Yes
* Keypad - Yes
* Display - Yes
* Emergency Button - Yes
* Battery Life - 8 hours ( High Power) , 10 hours ( Low Power) - With Slim Lilon battery
* MilSpec - MIL-STD 810C, D & E
* Intrinsically Safe - Yes
* Weight ( gm/ kg) - 265gms ( With Slim Lilon battery)
* Frequency - 136-174MHz / 330-400MHz / 403-470 MHz/ 450-527MHz
* Channels - 128
* Dimension ( H X W X D) - 101.5 mm x 55.5 mm x 33 mm ( With slim Lilon battery)
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