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Model: NJP-800
Model: NJP-800[24 Aug. 2008, 3:04:33]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Negara AsalChina


Model: NJP-800

Pharmaceutical, medicine, and chemicals (powder, Pellet, granule, pill), also can be used to fill vitamin, foodstuff and animal drug, etc.

l This unit with many user-friendly features and technology such as:
. Touching-Screen, PLC program control panel with LCD.
. Capsule vacuum positioned mechanism to make the capsule qualified over 99%.
. Removable powder hopper for cleaning and easy auger adjustment easy to change fills weights.
. Easy speed selection and closed capsule length adjustment.
. Electrical Appliance control system approved to CE, and international standard.
. Quick and accurate change part set-up, easy to remove rotary table and ring carrier assembly.
. Fully enclosed dosing stations and rotating table for integration of the whole capsule filling plants.
. Large cam mechanism keeps the rotating table of mould together with the whole equipment running with balance, and completely guarantees the machine operating with highest precision and accuracy.

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