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    DVD Unexpected ( 2Dvd)

    DVD Unexpected ( 2Dvd)

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    Apa yang terjadi ketika 2 orang mentalist bertemu? Untuk pertama kalinya Marc Spelmann dan Peter Nardi masing-masing menunjukkan trik-trik mentalist mereka dalam 1 tempat. Hasilnya adalah banyak hal-hal tak terduga yang terjadi & Trik-trik mentalist yang menakjubkan. Bersiaplah untuk tercengang ! ! !

    Dvd ini berisikan trik-trik mentalist yang tanpa persiapan. Inilah yang sangat dibutuhkan seorang mentalist sejati. Anda tidak akan pernah tahu kapan Anda harus main. Oleh karena itu, sebagai mentalist sejati Anda harus memiliki trik Andalan yang tanpa persiapan. Dvd ini sangat tepat untuk Anda pelajari, karena materi di dalam nya fokus pada trik-trik mentalist tanpa persiapan.

    Ket :
    Dvd copy dari original
    Ada menu
    Kualitas gambar sangat baik
    Kemasan film menarik, tidak membosankan
    Kami memberikan cover case dvd
    Akan enjadi koleksi kebanggaan Anda

    Disc One

    Fist Full Of Dollars
    An incredible opener for any impromptu situation. Give your spectator a chance to win some cold hard cash. All they have to do is guess which hand holds the money! They will never win! As a kicker you prove to them you knew they would choose the wrong hand from the start.

    Drinks On The Patio
    A great little performance piece to do when you’ re in a bar. A lovely lady is requested to help out and as a thank you will buy her a drink. The drink she gets depends on how well she does in the little test.

    Take Note
    Your spectator takes part in a little game of chance. 3 notes of different values are placed on the table. You write a prediction on a business card which remains on full view through out. Now using your powers of persuasion you manage to influence their choice of note!

    Perfect ESP
    A quick & simple ESP match up routine. Even though your spectator mixes the cards. You always place your card down first and you can even do this facing away from your spectator! No- one a head, marked cards or extra cards involved used!

    Single Handed Geller
    Marcs ultra slick one handed coin bend. This is something that you will carry with you always!

    Underhand Thoughts
    An unbelievable impromptu drawing duplication that will get you out of trouble!

    Three For The Money
    A 3 Phase performance piece which highlights your ability to predict your spectators actions. Each phase gets increasingly more difficult yet you prove your power with 3 correct predictions!

    Disc Two

    A Tribute To Mr Kane
    This is an Impromptu version of Kane’ s variant. A great gambling effect using only 5 business cards and some money.

    A spectator holds an imaginary object in their cupped hands. You now concentrate and tell them exactly what they are holding!

    Serial Killer Lite
    Your spectator removes a bill from their wallet and folds it up, they then place it under an upturned wine glass. You can then call off the serial number.

    Three For The Money
    A three phase performance piece. Each phase gets increasingly more difficult, yet you prove your power with 3 correct predictions! Which coin they will choose, the amount of change they have and finally the serial number on a borrowed bill.

    Busch Brain Buster
    No DVD on mentalism would be complete without a book, magazine or newspaper test. This superb 2 phased routine has been used by Spelmann and Nardi even in their paid performances utilises a fantastic subtlety from Richard Busch. Reveal a freely chosen word from any newspaper, book or magazine & describe an item your spectator has locked in their mind!

    Two’ s Company
    A discussion on utilising a friend, partner or family member to code you simple information

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