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165855 Cylinder Pressure Transducer - Bently Nevada
HargaHubungi Hp. 085694982722 ; Email : larissa.technology@gmail.com
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165855 Cylinder Pressure Transducer
Brand : Bently Nevada

Intended specifically for use with the Bently Nevada 3500/ 77M Recip Cylinder Pressure Monitor when real-time, continuous monitoring of cylinder performance is required on reciprocating compressors. It is able to withstand the extreme temperatures and pressure cycling of reciprocating compressor cylinders while providing reliable measurements. It also incorporates innovative materials and construction techniques that allow it to survive in the harsh chemical environments typically encountered in reciprocating compressor applications, such as hydrogen sulfide ( H2S) . The transducer has undergone extensive testing and is unique in the industry, carrying a 3-year warranty. It is available with a number of adapters, allowing it to be used with many existing pressure indicator valves ( e.g., Kiene* valves) .

Transducer Characteristics :
+ Measurement Range : 0 to 100/ 250/ 500/ 1000/ 2500/ 5000/ 10, 000 psia
0 to 6.8/ 17/ 34.5/ 69/ 172/ 345/ 689 bar
+ Proof ( Over) Pressure : 1.5X Full Scale
+ Burst Pressure : 3X Full Scale ( 2X FS on 689 bar/ 10, 000 psia units)
+ Full Scale Output : 10 ± 0.3 Vdc
+ Zero : 0.5 ± 0.1 Vdc
+ Power Supply : 18 to 30 Vdc
+ Max. Current : < 15 mA
+ Compensated Temperature :
- 40 to 85 oC
- 40 to 185 ° F
+ Thermal zero shift :
-1.0 to + 2.0 ( for 6.8 and 17 bar/ 100 and 250 psia) % FS
-0.5 to + 1.5 ( for all other pressure ranges)
Note: Within compensated temperature range.
+ Thermal sensitivity shift : See diagram
+ Linearity, hysteresis, repeatability : £ ± 0.3 % FS
+ Frequency response : 0Hz to 5500 Hz ± 1 dB
+ Operating Temperature :
-40 to 85 ( electronics housing) ° C
-40 to 150 ( sensor head) ° C
-40 to 185 ( electronics housing) ° F
-40 to 302 ( sensor head) ° F
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