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Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Ibu Fauziah [Pemilik/Pengusaha]
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Ibu Fauziah di Bekasi Kotamadya
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Ibu Fauziah di Bekasi Kotamadya
Alamat:Jl. Lumbu Barat Raya No. 8 Bojong Rawa Lumbu Rawa Lumbu
Bekasi Kotamadya 17116, Jawa Barat
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:20 Feb. 2010
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Makanan & Minuman

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Penjelasan Ringkas

CV. Djoedjoer is Indonesian companies, doing business development in various areas, in the field of automotive components for vehicles motorcycles and cars, as well as tissue paper in the field of basic human needs such as rice mills, production of mineral water and equipment mineral water production, including installation of equipment, cooking palm oil and all of the basic human need.

Customers who have worked or to order products through CV. Djoedjoer, are:
1. South West Commission ( SWC) , Kameron Republic, West Africa.
2. Ministry of Interior, Republic of Ghana, West Africa.
3. Economic Community West African States ( ECOWAS) , Lome, Republic of Togo.

CV. Djoedjoer post address, JL. Dalang I No. 9 RT.002 RW.04 Bojong Rawa Lumbu 17115 Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat, Indonesia, tel. 6221 70785050 or 6281389220176, the Chief Executive Officer is Fauziah, mail address winardi67@

CV. Djoedjoer, based in Kota Bekasi Jawa Barat, Republic of Indonesia at the mid of 1999, after seeing a great business opportunity and can be developed to support the programs of the Republic of Indonesia' s Government, to provide jobs and reduce unemployment and contribute taxes to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, so the performance of community Republic of Indonesia fairer, more prosperous and more prosperous.

CV. Djoedjoer doing business in various fields, with particular concentration of export markets to countries that have the third world is very big opportunity, and competition is relatively less and payment is made in dollars, which payment for the price of domestic goods made in the rupiah currency , Thus helping the economy of the Republic of Indonesia, particularly in strengthening foreign exchange reserves in U.S. dollars form.

Customers CV. Djoedjoer is as follows:
1. Customers in the areas of manufacturing enterprise are:
a. Assembling motorcycle companies such as Honda, Yamaha and Suzuki motorcycles Piagio and categories of larger vehicles such as the Dakotas, BMW and Harley Davidson.

b. Auto cars company assembly of four or more wheels, such as Toyota, Mitsubishi, Mercedes Benz, BMW, Suzuki, Honda, Ford and Mazda.

2. Customer service in business is as follows:

For the category of fixed network sector, are:
a. Spinning
b. Food companies and beverage
c. Farms and agricultural businesses

Produk / Jasa Utama
Ajak Kerjasama:
  • Keutuhan Pokok
    Kemasan dalam Tabung, Packing dan Galon

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