Agilent - E4436B Signal Generator 250kHz to 3GHz, Digital Modulation[7 May. 2011, 12:36:49]
Agilent - E4436B.
Signal Generator 250kHz to 3GHz, Digital Modulation
250 kHz to 3 GHz
+ 10 to -136dBm Output with Accuracy + /
0.9 dB
High Spectral purity, SSB at 20kHz offset -124 dBc/ Hz
Bulit-in FM And Phase Modulation, AM and Pulse Modulation
optional Digital modulation formats for DECT, GSM, PDC, PHS, NADC and TETRA
optional Multichannel, multicarrier CDMA, cdma200 and W-CDMA personality
optional Dual arbitrary waveform generator
optional Bit-error-rate ( BER) analyzer
support external I/ Q vector modulation
Step Sweep ( Frequency, Power and List)
Built-in Function Generato