PT. Iplast International

Penawaran Jual

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Showcase untuk display minuman di toko atau rumahan.
Chest Freezer
Chest Freezer ukuran 120, 200, 250 liter untuk industri menegah/ kecil dan rumah tangga.
PP Polypropylene Resin
Jual PP Polypropylene Prime Resin brand Polene ex-Thailand all grades Homopolymer, Block Copolymer, and Random Copolymer
Titanium Dioxide
Titanium Dioxide Rutile and Anatase ex-Korea
PE Wax
Jual PE Wax brand Polene Thailand untuk Master Batch, Plastic Industry, etc.
HDPE Resin for Injection,  Blow Molding,  Film,  Pipe Grade
Jual HDPE Resin untuk Injection, Blow Molding, Film, Pipe Grade PE100, PE 80 brand Polene Thailand.
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