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Tn. Ade Djatnika

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Nomor ponsel Tn. Ade Djatnika di Cikarang Bekasi


Cikarang Bekasi, Jawa Barat

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Bahasa :
Tanggal Bergabung: 25 Jun. 2024   Terakhir Diperbarui: 24 Jun. 2015
Sifat Dasar Usaha : Pabrikan, Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Tekstil & Kulit

Penjelasan Ringkas


PT. INDO PRAWITA SEKAWAN is one of the icons of water treatment companies in Indonesia. Our company is focused on providing equipment, part, and also engineering services for whole need water treatment industry.

Start from the demand of our customers to make an improvement on their boiler water treatment systems and the lack of knowledge on how to treat the water with a proper, PT. INDOBOILER see this as an opportunity to continue the benefits to its loyal consumers. Then PT. INDOBOILER established PT. INDO PRAWITA SEKAWAN, as their subsidiary which specialized in the field of water treatment which can be a strategic partner for all companies that will implement a proper water treatment system by cost effective, efficient, and reliable.

QUICK, SIMPLE, ECONOMIC and SAFE is our motto. With the motto, we expected to be able to provide best service the customer by quick action, simple design, economic by value and technically safe.

Our core business is on water treatment including Equipment supplies, spare part, and complete EPC ( Engineering Procurement & Construction) for New or Existing WTP and WWTP.

Currently, PT. INDO PRAWITA SEKAWAN cooperating with several world-class companies from the USA - Europe - Japan specialized in the field of water treatment, itâ € ™ s to ensure that our products have high quality standards that ensure the safety and reliability of our products to fit the customer' s needs.

PT. INDO PRAWITA SEKAWAN can be the best partner for all range of water issues in your company. We already had a wide range of experience in various industries, such as Power Plant, Food & Beverage, Pharmaceuticals, Palm Oils, Automotive, Textiles, also Hotels and Restaurants.
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