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Harbour Logistics ( Pvt) Ltd.

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Harbour Logistics ( Pvt) Ltd.
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Mamoon Abdullah [Administrasi]
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Situs Web:
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Mamoon Abdullah di Chittagong
Nomor Faks:Nomor faks Tn. Mamoon Abdullah di Chittagong
Alamat:National House 1st Floor, 109 Agrabad Commercial Area
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:24 May. 2023
Terakhir Diperbarui:1 Aug. 2005
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang, Jasa dari kategori Transportasi

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Reliability: The name of our company is â Harbour Logistics ( Pvt) Ltd.â , founded in 2003. Our Corporate office is located in Dhaka with its own branch offices in Chittagong & Khulna - main major business cities in Bangladesh. Our main goal is to develop / represent Iinternational Air & Sea Freight Forwarding/ Shipping Agencies.
Harbour Logistics ( Pvt) Ltd represents a firm point of reference in sea and air forwarding.
Founder: Our Managing Director Mr. Saif-Ul-Islam having experience of 15 years in shipping trade ( both in Main Lines & Freight Forwarding) along with Eastern Network forwarder Hong Kong headed by Mr.Jimmy Ho started a joint venture company. We have 13 offices around China & having Head office in Hong Kong.
Flexibility & Efficiency: We have started our company in 2003 with some aggressive, young, dynamic and challenging bunch of people. Our Managing Director served five years in Maersk line, after that he had headed many reputed foreign shipping lines ( Yang Ming Line, China Shipping, NORASIA Line, Balaji Shipping) & Feeder companies ( OEL Group) for almost 10 years, which is being represent by many local agencies. Also handled CWT Globe Link of Singapore for Multi countries Consolidation business and established world renowned Forwarding companies Kuehne & Nagel, Panalpina in Bangladesh. We are very much well known to the whole trade. We handle many export & import cargo around the globe. We will explain our strength through out our presentation which will give a clear picture about our company.
Information Technology: In International shipping, Information Technology is very important . We are trying our best to take every operation in fully computerised system. We are trying to develop our IT system, On line tracking can be done for export container & we have massive plan to include your import container in our tracking system in near future. We think this is the ideal tool for the effective and rapid handling of our forwarding operations. Besides, we have our own domain server â EBILCYâ , which we are using for the world wide clients of our biggest Private Container Yard â Esack Brothers Ind. Ltd. ( Container Yard) â .
Affiliated Business: -
International Transportation ( both Sea & Air)
Consolidation/ Direct Group age
Project cargo handling
Customs Clearing & Forwarding
Consumer, Leather & Jute Goods Distribution
Garments Buying House
Off Dock facility ( ISO certified Own Private container yard, founded in 1961- the biggest, fully equipped & safest in our country; also the nearest one from our main sea port)
Wood treatment & Seasoning Plant
News Paper
IT Firm
We also have shipping license to represent NVOCC/ Shipping Lines. We have three offices in Bangladesh fully equipped with TEL/ FAX/ INTER NET ( with web site) and good numbers of quality staff who can satisfy the clients with best possible services. Our offices are located in Dhaka ( Head office) , Chittagong & Khulna ( Mongla Office) , All offices are equipped with on line connectivity.

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