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Anggota Gratis
Amerika Serikat
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. MCMILL MILTON di Los Angeles
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. MCMILL MILTON di Los Angeles
Alamat:Los Angeles, California
Amerika Serikat
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:5 Feb. 2013
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Pabrikan dari kategori Kimia

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Permintaan Anda akan disimpan di "Surat Bisnis".

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Penjelasan Ringkas

We offer products such as Ethyl-Ketamine, UR-144, 5FUR-144, 3-FMC,
Methoxetamine, MDAI, 6-APB, 4-FA, MDAI, MDPV, 3-FMC, Methylone,
Flephedrone, JWH-250, JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-210 , JWH-122, 3, 4-DMMC,
and 4-MEC, Pentedrone, AKB48, 6-APDB, UR-144, Etizolam, STS-135,
Methoxetamine, AB-001, 5-meo-mipt, A-PVP, MPPP, AM-2201, MAM-2201 and
RCS-4 with the easy order process and lightning fast delovery. Our
plant food is always cheaper... Buy online and you will earn all
benefits of shopping cheap research chemicals easy and
confidentially. The whole process is completely confident. We do not
store clients credit card data, but private info is stored encrypted
in our own data centre. Which is not accessible from internet.

Special Order
Other chemicals available - 1 kilo minimum order

Group Name Price/ KG
JWH JWH-019 $ 3, 000
JWH-122 $ 4, 200
JWH-201 $ 5, 000
JWH-081 $ 4, 000
JWH-250 $ 4, 000
JWH-210 $ 5, 000
JWH-203 $ 5, 200
JWH-307 $ 6, 000

AM AM2201 & nbsp $ 4, 800
AM1220 $ 5, 000
AM2233 $ 6, 500
AM2232 $ 5, 200
AM1248 $ 5, 500

URB URB597 $ 4, 600
URB602 $ 4, 600
5APB $ 9, 300
5APDB $ 9, 300
5-MEO-DALT $ 6, 800
CB CB-13 $ 5, 200
RCS RCS4 $ 6, 200

AKB AKB48 $ 5, 800
5FAKB48 $ 6, 000

UR UR144 $ 4, 800
5FUR144 $ 5, 000
STS STS135 $ 6, 000
5FSTS135 $ 6, 500

EAM EAM2201 $ 6, 200

MAM MAM2201 $ 5, 600
We guarantee the highest purity ( minimum 93% ) of the 6-APDB, MDPV,
Etizolam, A-PVP, MPPP Methoxetamine, 3-FMC, Methylone, Flephedrone,
JWH-250, JWH-018, JWH-073, JWH-210 , JWH-122 , 3, 4-DMMC, 4-MEC, A-PVP,
MPPP, Penta crystals, 5-meo-mipt, 2C-P, AM-2201, MAM-2201, 4-FA, MDAI,
4-mec, Pentedrone, AKB-48, UR-144, 5FUR-144, 2-Ethyl-Ketamine we
offer. And for sure this is why such large amount of consumers have
chosen us as their supplier. Working with the biggest manufacturers in
India and China allows us to guarantee 100% the quality of the
chemicals we offer. We can do this because we donâ € ™ t just resell
products like most small vendors do ( simply reshipping unknown powder)
but we order custom synthesize of products we require in bulk. Such
way of doing business allows us to provide highest quality plant food
and research chemicals at such low price.

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