The range of ground/earth testers offered by ERICO are lightweight and portable for ease of use in the field. Their large display shows required test connections and features a complete automatic test sequence for selected operations.
Fall-of-Potential method
Auto-Ranging: automatically selects the optimum range
Designed to reject high levels of noise and interference
Extremely simple to operate: Connect, Press, Read
LED on faceplate informs operator of high input noise, high auxiliary rod resistance and fault connections
Battery powered
Rugged dustproof and rainproof field case
Color-coded terminals
May also be used for continuity tests on bonding
CE Mark
Four testers are offered:
Ground Resistance / Earth Tester EST3640 2-pole and 3-pole ground/earth resistance measurements from 0 to 1999Ω
Ground Resistance / Earth Tester EST4610 adds 4-point soil resistance measurements from 0 to 1999Ω
Ground Resistance / Earth Tester EST4630 2-, 3- and 4-point measurements, plus rechargeable 9.6V NiMH battery pack and durable case
Ground Resistance / Earth Tester EST6472* 3- and 4-point measurements up to 99,000; uses the 2-clamp method (selective ground testing); frequency scan from 40 to 5078Hz for optimum test accuracy in electrically noisy environments; automatic calculation of Rho