Anggota Gratis
Graha Teknik Sejati - EPOXY FLOOR / PU
Graha Teknik Sejati - EPOXY FLOOR / PU
Informasi Kontak
Tn. Sarjoe Widodo [Direktur/CEO/Manajer Umum]
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Nomor Telpon:
Nomor telpon Tn. Sarjoe Widodo di Sidoarjo
Nomor Ponsel:
Nomor ponsel Tn. Sarjoe Widodo di Sidoarjo
Nomor Faks:
Nomor faks Tn. Sarjoe Widodo di Sidoarjo
Taman Pondok Jati BC 17
Sidoarjo 61257, Jawa Timur
Email : technical@ / sarjoe_ gts@
Rata-rata Tinjauan Pemakai

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Tanggal Bergabung: 24 May. 2023Terakhir Diperbarui: 15 Feb. 2011
Sifat Dasar Usaha: Jasa dari kategori Konstruksi & Real Estate

Penjelasan Ringkas

Graha Teknik Sejati ( GTS) sebagai salah satu perusahaan General Contractor yang berkembang di Jawa Timur dan di Surabaya pada khususnya. Kami memberikan keleluasaan dan kemudahan bagi anda dalam pekerjaan serta layanan konsultasi teknik dalam bidang Kontruksi, Sipil, Mechanical, Elektrikal pada Apartement, Perkantoran, Hotel-Hotel, Pabrik, WWTP Industri-industri Makanan dan Obat-obatan, Fasilitas Olah Raga, Pelabuhan dan Dermaga, dll

Graha Teknik Sejati merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa kontruksi dengan Spesialist :

Industrial Epoxy Coating
Under Water Service
Protective Coating
Heavy Duty Coating
Tennis Court
Repair Concrete-Floor Hardener

Unutuk Informasi lebih lanjut Hub :
Graha Teknik Sejati
Taman Pondok Jati BC-17 Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur
Phone : 031-70971033/ 7888343
HP. 0811339425
Email : technical@ / sarjoe_gts@

Disamping dalam bidang jasa kontruksi kami juga menyediakan Susu Kambing. Berdasarkan kesimpulan dari beberapa referensi, bahwa susu kambing memiliki kandungan mineral yang sempurna dan sangat bermanfaat untuk memperbaiki system jaringan tubuh manusia diantaranya :
à ˜ Mengandung Zincum ( Zn) pembentuk system kekebalan tubuh
à ˜ Mineral Alkaline baik untuk penderita Maag Kronis
à ˜ Zat Flourin serta betakasein baik bagi penderita Bronchitis, Asma, TBC, Pneumonia
à ˜ Kandungan AZ â € “ betakasein dan Asam Amino Esensial Pembentuk Insulin berguna bagi penderita Diabetes
à ˜ Kalium ( K) berguna bagi penderita Arteriosclerosis, Tekanan Darah Tinggi maupun Darah Rendah
à ˜ Kandungan Kalsium membantu pertumbuhan tulang dan mencegah Osteoporosis
Kandungan MCTnya ( Medium Chain Trygliseride) berguna bagi program Dietary dan penyembuhan akibat stroke
à ˜ Kaya dengan Lactoglobulin penahan protein penyebab alergi
à ˜ Tingkat keasaman yang menyerupai kulit dapat melembabkan dan mempercantik kulit
à ˜ Mengandung Mineral, Belerang metionin, riboflamin ( Vit B2) dan ( Vit B3) yang menumbuhkembangkan sel otak serta system syaraf bagi kecerdasan anak.
à ˜ Riboflavin ( Vit B2) bermanfaat menurunkan frekuensi serangan migraine
à ˜ Lactoferrin ( LF) , Lactoperoxidase, Lysozyme dan Peptide dapat meningkatkan aktivitas CD4
à ˜ Bahkan bisa mengatasi impotensi
à ˜ Sel T sebagai pembentuk system kekebalan tubuh bagi penderita infeksi virus HIV
à ˜ Cynokobalamin pembentuk zat Hb bagi Penderita Demam Berdarah, Anemia, Thalasemia

Produk / Jasa Utama

Menjual :
    Under West Germany and Japan technique cooperation, the resin our company produce combines the excellent qualities of organic and In – organic which match with/ or fit into any kinds of materials that industries may use. The rigid, strong and elastic quality of the hardness conform to many functions and purposes.

    Trends of domestic industrials are stepping towards the hi-tech and high quality word. After having accumulated years practical experiences and excellent achievements, our company is capable to provide customers higher quality products with many varieties to meet with industrials requirements.
    Adopting Best Block Epoxy Coating 2000 products (or way of doing job?) is the sign of reaching the high tech future world.

    • Seamless / No joint, flat and glossy
    * Clean looking
    * Non-dusting surfaces
    * Easy to be cleaned, maintained, and repaired
    • Bacteria proof, anti – fungus
    • Unaffected by hot or cold water
    • Chemical resistant (Acid & Alkali Resistance)
    • Anti – Solvent, water proof
    • Hygienic, easily sterilized surface
    • Minimal risk of cracking, can absorb the impact of heavy weights and high vibration.
    • Secure of the Environment
    • Scratch Resistance

    • Hospital, Pharmaceutical Industries
    • Food & Beverages Industries
    • Electronic & Computer Industries
    • Chemical, Water and Oil Industries
    • Packaging & Printing Industries
    • Garment & Textile, Pulp & Paper Industries
    • Aircraft Hangars and Engine Testing Facilities
    • Auto Workshops, Garages, and Parking Area
    • Cosmetic Industries, Optical Industries
    • Hi – Tech Product Industries
    • Clean Room Facilities, Warehouse and Reservoir
    • Swimming – pool Wall and Road (Non Slipped)
    • Water & Waste Water Tank

    Compresive strength KgF/ Cm²'b2 +600 -+ 800 (ASTM D695-537 / ASTM C109)
    Tensile Strength KgF/ Cm2 +200 -+ 350 (ASTM C190 / ASTM D638)
    Abrasion Resistance gr +0, 18 -+ 0, 3 (DIN 52008)
    Bonding Strength KgF/ Cm2 +30 -+ 35 (ASTM C348)
    Acietic Acid Very Good
    Nitric Acid Very Good
    Ammonia Very Good
    Oxalic Acid Very Good
    Chromic Acid Very Good
    Potassium Hydrixide Very Good
    Citric Acid Very Good
    Phosphoric Acid Very Good
    Coustic soda Very Good
    Sodium Chloride Very Good
    Fatty Acids Very Good
    Sulfuric Acid Good
    Hydrochloric Acid Very Good

    1. Application water-proof sheet before placing Prima on the ground floor
    2. All the surface of R .C should be polished by electric trowel or coated with cement mortar, but not sprayed with cement powder.
    3. The polished surface of R .C. should be smooth and should have a pertinent angle slope to sheet water.
    4. A curved form of mortar, with radius of 5 cm at least, should be attached to the angle of 900 between the wall and floor of a place or a room which needs cleaning and anti – corrosion.
    It takes 4 weeks for R . C. layer and 2 weeks for P . C . layer to become completely cemented. The object coated must be fairly dried before coating
    5. The quantity of water contained in it must be below 8 %
    6. Rubber boards as protection cushions are installated on zones having been impacted by heavy things or on zones having been cut or ruined by sharp things.
    7. Rubber tire should be used for cars driven by manpower.
    8. To use vacuum cleaner to clean the dust or the mote of raw materials is all right.
    9. Do not use the high-speed wax-polisher, but use the oil-cleaner or detergent to wash away the wet or dry greasy and dirty things and then use the rubber scraper the dirty things away so as to protect the coated floor.
    10. Damaged floor can be partly repaired.

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