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GLOBALTELCO | Telepon Satelit | Telepon Satelit Murah | Jual Telepon Satelit | Handphone Satelit | Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro | Garmin | GPS map | Penguat Sinyal Anytone | Penguat Sinyal Handphone | Anytone AT800 | Anytone AT6200GD | Iridium | Byru Marine FR-

Anggota Gratis
GLOBALTELCO | Telepon Satelit | Telepon Satelit Murah | Jual Telepon Satelit | Handphone Satelit | Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro | Garmin | GPS map | Penguat Sinyal Anytone | Penguat Sinyal Handphone | Anytone AT800 | Anytone AT6200GD | Iridium | Byru Marine FR-
GLOBALTELCO | Telepon Satelit | Telepon Satelit Murah | Jual Telepon Satelit | Handphone Satelit | Inmarsat IsatPhone Pro | Garmin | GPS map | Penguat Sinyal Anytone | Penguat Sinyal Handphone | Anytone AT800 | Anytone AT6200GD | Iridium | Byru Marine FR-
Info Perusahaan
Kontak Perusahaan
Nama:Tn. Romi R
E-mail:Kirim Pesan
Pesan Instan:
Windows Live:
Google Talk:  cs.globaltelco  cs.globaltelco
Y!: globaltelco 
Nomor Ponsel:Nomor ponsel Tn. Romi R di Tangerang Selatan
Nomor Telpon:Nomor telpon Tn. Romi R di Tangerang Selatan
Alamat:Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Rata-rata Tinjauan PemakaiTidak ada ulasan untuk perusahaan ini - Menulis tinjauan
Tanggal Bergabung:25 Jun. 2024
Terakhir Diperbarui:16 Nov. 2012
Sifat Dasar Usaha:Dagang dari kategori Telekomunikasi

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Welcome to Globaltelco Indonesia

GLOBALTELCO provides the most flexible and complete range of satellite communications hardware, airtime, service and support to the maritime, land ( mobile & fixed) and aviation markets in Indonesia.

Our clients include leaders in mining ( including oil & gas) , media broadcasters, marine and transport operators, government bodies including emergency services, fire and police as well as individuals seeking the best product at competitive price for purchase.

As a distributor and sales, we have a wide range of software tools Satellite Communications, namely: Phone Satellite ( various brands) , Terminal Satellite ( BGAN Explorer, Fleet Broad Band) , Prime TV & Satellite Card ( all providers TelSat) , Software Applications, and Accessories, with full support from one place customer needs.

Customer Support kami di :

Telp: 021 94450500 & 0812 830 830 84
YM ID : globaltelco / omi_reindhart.
Jam Operasional : Senin s/ d Minggu Jam 08: 00 s/ d 17: 00 WIB

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